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wasserportal 0.4.0 2024-04-05

  • New feature: add support for downloading all available surface water quality data for one or multiple monitoring stations. For details see get_surfacewater_qualities()
  • Bugfix for groundwater level and quality due to new Wasserportal API
  • Add project AD4GD as funder

wasserportal 0.3.0 2023-02-19

  • Fix errors in GitHub actions: use actions from branches v2, v3, not from master
  • Fix errors in tutorial.Rmd
  • Fix errors in documentation
  • Do not run examples that use parallel processing
  • get_stations(): add argument n_cores
  • get_wasserportal_stations_table(): Use new (three letter) variable codes
  • read_wasserportal_raw(): adapt request to new API version, add argument api_version
  • read_wasserportal_raw_gw(): adapt request to new API version
  • Clean code, mainly to reduce duplicated duplication and to improve readability
    • check for more errors
    • use “safe” element selection
    • use more helper functions
    • use helper functions in vignettes
    • improve names

wasserportal 0.2.0 2022-09-08

wasserportal 0.1.1 2022-06-09

wasserportal 0.1.0 2022-06-01

R package for scraping groundwater data (groundwater level and quality) from Wasserportal Berlin. Please note that the support for scraping surface water monitoring stations is currently very limited!


  • get_stations(): returns metadata for all available monitoring stations
  • get_wasserportal_masters_data(): get master data for selected station_ids
  • read_wasserportal_raw_gw(): enables the download of groundwater data. Checkout the Tutorial article how to use it for downloading one or multiple stations at once.
  • read_wasserportal(): works for surface water monitoring stations, but is outdated, as it is based on an outdated static file with station/variable names (i.e. only for 11 instead of 82 stations currently provided!) instead of relying on new metadata provided online. This will be fixed within the next release. For progress on this issue checkout #21


  • Tutorial article how to download groundwater level and quality data

  • Further Usage by combining previously scraped (see tutorial above) data and performing some analysis:

    • Groundwater, e.g. creating a map with GW level trends

    • Two workflows (REACH UBA, Norman List) created within the project PROMISCES for assessing prevalence and the spatial distribution of persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) substances in the Berlin groundwater, based on different PMT lists, i.e. REACH UBA or Norman List.
