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1 Pre-required software

  • R (>= 3.3.1: for the development of the R package kwb.qmra R 3.3.1 was used. However, also later R releases (e.g. 3.4) should be working.

  • Pandoc: is required to convert the reports from plain text format (markdown) into the different formats (docx, html, pdf).

  • Miktex: needs to be installed in case that pdf reports should be created.

For the advanced user it is further recommended to install the latest version of the integrated development environment (IDE) RStudio Desktop “open source licence”.

2 R Packages

Once all pre-required software is installed the R package installation workflow as described below can be started.

2.1 devtools

The R package devtools is required for downloading and installing the R package kwb.qmra from Github. Installation is done by executing the following lines of code in R or RStudio (from now on written as R(Studio)):

if (!require("devtools")) {
  install.packages("devtools", repos = "")

2.2 kwb.qmra

Subsequently the R package kwb.qmra can be installed in R with the following code:

if(!require("devtools")) { install.packages("devtools") }
devtools::install_github(repo = "KWB-R/kwb.qmra", 
                         build_vignettes = TRUE,
                         dependencies = TRUE)