### 1 Install R Package Downloading and Installing from GitHub
install.packages("remotes", repos = "")
#Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "mysecret_access_token")
### 2 Install R Package qmra.db (with ACCESS DB)
### 2.1 Specific Release ACCESS DB from our GitHub account, e.g.
### 2.2 the Latest Development Version
Run the following command to find out the path to the MS ACCESS Database:
mdb_path <- normalizePath(system.file("database/qmra-db.accdb",
package = "qmra.db"))
Fig. 1: Screenshot of MS ACCESS Database Structure (might be out of date!)
For making changes in the MS ACCESS database the following workflow should be followed:
Open C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\R\win-library\3.5\qmra.db\database\qmra-db.accb
Add your changes and finally
Save it under the same path C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\R\win-library\3.5\qmra.db\database\qmra-db.accb
(by overwriting the old one!)
Finally please run following R code in order to export the whole content:
Exporting MS Access Database content into .csv files ...
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_doseResponse WHERE TRUE
The query returned 37 records with 10 fields: PathogenID,Bestfitmodel,k,alpha,N50,Hosttype,Doseunits,Route,Response,ReferenceID
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_guideline WHERE TRUE
The query returned 2 records with 4 fields: GuidelineID,GuidelineName,GuidelineDescription,ReferenceID
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_health WHERE TRUE
The query returned 3 records with 4 fields: PathogenID,ReferenceID,infection_to_illness,dalys_per_case
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_inflow WHERE TRUE
The query returned 28 records with 11 fields: PathogenID,ReferenceID,WaterSourceID,min,max,distribution,mean,alpha,beta,PathogenInReference,Notes
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_ingestion WHERE TRUE
The query returned 8 records with 6 fields: WaterUseID,WaterUseName,WaterUseDescription,events_perYear,litres_perEvent,ReferenceID
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_logRemoval WHERE TRUE
The query returned 74 records with 10 fields: TreatmentID,min,max,ReferenceID,PathogenGroupID,mean,alpha,beta,distribution,Notes
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_pathogen WHERE TRUE
The query returned 37 records with 4 fields: PathogenID,PathogenName,PathogenDescription,PathogenGroupID
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_pathogenGroup WHERE TRUE
The query returned 3 records with 4 fields: PathogenGroupID,PathogenGroup,PathogenGroupDescription,DefaultPathogenID
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_reference WHERE TRUE
The query returned 50 records with 3 fields: ReferenceID,ReferenceName,ReferenceLink
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_treatment WHERE TRUE
The query returned 28 records with 4 fields: TreatmentID,TreatmentName,TreatmentGroup,TreatmentDescription
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_waterSource WHERE TRUE
The query returned 8 records with 3 fields: WaterSourceID,WaterSourceName,WaterSourceDescription
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM qry_treatmentRemovals WHERE TRUE
The query returned 74 records with 7 fields: TreatmentGroup,TreatmentName,PathogenGroup,Min,Max,ReferenceName,ReferenceLink
ok. (7.26s)
Create a zip file
with the following content:
Modified MS ACCESS DB (qmra-db.accdb) and
Csv files with the whole content of this database (automatically stored in subdirectory qmra-db_accdb/)
zip_path <- qmra.db::create_zipfile(mdb_path)
In case that changes are suggested for the MS ACCESS database the following workflow is proposed:
Create a new issue on GitHub at with a title starting with Database Update:
Upload the
file (by dragging into the Comment field) and
Provide more detailed explainations in the Comment field
Thank you very much for your suggestions! These will be reviewed by our QMRA experts:
Patrick Smeets from KWR Watercycle Research Institute (KWR): @PatrickSmeetsKWR
Wolfgang Seis from Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH (KWB): @wseis