
### 1 Install R Package Downloading and Installing from GitHub

install.packages("remotes", repos = "")

#Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "mysecret_access_token")

### 2 Install R Package qmra.db (with ACCESS DB)

### 2.1 Specific Release ACCESS DB from our GitHub account, e.g.


### 2.2 the Latest Development Version 


Update Database

Where to find it ?

Run the following command to find out the path to the MS ACCESS Database:

mdb_path <- normalizePath(system.file("database/qmra-db.accdb", 
                                      package = "qmra.db"))
[1] "C:\\Users\\<yourusername>\\Documents\\R\\win-library\\3.5\\qmra.db\\database\\qmra-db.accdb"

Have a look at the database structure

Fig. 1: Screenshot of MS ACCESS Database Structure (might be out of date!)

Make changes

For making changes in the MS ACCESS database the following workflow should be followed:

  • Open C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\R\win-library\3.5\qmra.db\database\qmra-db.accb with MS ACCESS,

  • Add your changes and finally

  • Save it under the same path C:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\R\win-library\3.5\qmra.db\database\qmra-db.accb (by overwriting the old one!)

Dump Content in CSV files

Finally please run following R code in order to export the whole content:

Exporting MS Access Database content into .csv files ... 
Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_doseResponse  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 37 records with 10 fields: PathogenID,Bestfitmodel,k,alpha,N50,Hosttype,Doseunits,Route,Response,ReferenceID

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_guideline  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 2 records with 4 fields: GuidelineID,GuidelineName,GuidelineDescription,ReferenceID

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_health  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 3 records with 4 fields: PathogenID,ReferenceID,infection_to_illness,dalys_per_case

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_inflow  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 28 records with 11 fields: PathogenID,ReferenceID,WaterSourceID,min,max,distribution,mean,alpha,beta,PathogenInReference,Notes

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_ingestion  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 8 records with 6 fields: WaterUseID,WaterUseName,WaterUseDescription,events_perYear,litres_perEvent,ReferenceID

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_logRemoval  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 74 records with 10 fields: TreatmentID,min,max,ReferenceID,PathogenGroupID,mean,alpha,beta,distribution,Notes

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_pathogen  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 37 records with 4 fields: PathogenID,PathogenName,PathogenDescription,PathogenGroupID

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_pathogenGroup  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 3 records with 4 fields: PathogenGroupID,PathogenGroup,PathogenGroupDescription,DefaultPathogenID

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_reference  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 50 records with 3 fields: ReferenceID,ReferenceName,ReferenceLink

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_treatment  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 28 records with 4 fields: TreatmentID,TreatmentName,TreatmentGroup,TreatmentDescription

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM tbl_waterSource  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 8 records with 3 fields: WaterSourceID,WaterSourceName,WaterSourceDescription

Running SQL: SELECT * FROM qry_treatmentRemovals  WHERE TRUE

The query returned 74 records with 7 fields: TreatmentGroup,TreatmentName,PathogenGroup,Min,Max,ReferenceName,ReferenceLink
ok. (7.26s) 

Create ZIP File

Create a zip file with the following content:

  • Modified MS ACCESS DB (qmra-db.accdb) and

  • Csv files with the whole content of this database (automatically stored in subdirectory qmra-db_accdb/)

zip_path <- qmra.db::create_zipfile(mdb_path)

Suggest Your Changes on GitHub

In case that changes are suggested for the MS ACCESS database the following workflow is proposed:

  • Create a new issue on GitHub at with a title starting with Database Update:

  • Upload the file (by dragging into the Comment field) and

  • Provide more detailed explainations in the Comment field

Thank you very much for your suggestions! These will be reviewed by our QMRA experts: