Pathogen Groups

Bacteria (Campylobacter jejuni)

Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They can replicate very rapidly under favourable conditions. Most pathogenic bacteria replicate only inside infected humans or animals, but some can also replicate outside the host’s body. Bacterial pathogens are not very host-specific. Zoonotic bacteria can infect both animals and humans. Well-known bacterial diseases are typhoid (Salmonella typhi), cholera (Vibrio cholerae), gastroenteritis with symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting or fever (Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7) and dysentery (Shigella). The bacteria E. coli and enterococcus are generally used to monitor water quality by analysis of water samples in a laboratory. These bacteria are present in large numbers in faeces of warm-blooded animals, so detection in the water indicates recent faecal contamination of the water. The organisms themselves are not infectious to humans.

Protozoa (Cryptosporidium parvum)

Protozoa are single-celled organisms, slightly larger than most bacteria. They can form (oo)cysts that are very resistant to environmental conditions and to chlorine and other disinfectants. This makes them of special concern. Giardia and Cryptosporidium are protozoa that are known to cause outbreaks of disease even in chlorinated systems. Shedding of the protozoa Cryptosporidium by young calves has been an important cause of water contamination in many cases. Infections with Entamoeba histolytica have also been reported in tropical regions.

Viruses (Rotavirus)

Viruses are the smallest waterborne pathogens. They cannot replicate themselves, but they are replicated by the human (or animal) they infect. They are generally very host-specific, so generally only human viruses can infect other humans. Well-known waterborne viral diseases are gastroenteritis with symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting or fever (norovirus), hepatitis A and E (hepatitis virus). Polio appears to have been eradicated since 2012


sewage, treated

Municipal sewage that has received secondary, so including activated sludge

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
sewage, treated Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 0.001 1000 WHO (2006) safe use wastewater V2 log10_norm
sewage, treated Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0.010 10000 WHO (2006) safe use wastewater V2 log10_norm
sewage, treated Viruses Rotavirus 0.100 1000 WHO (2006) safe use wastewater V2 log10_norm

surface water, general

Rivers, lakes, ponds. Select this categogy if no indication of the level of contamination is known

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
surface water, general Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 1e+02 10000 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm
surface water, general Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0e+00 1000 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm
surface water, general Viruses Rotavirus 1e-02 100 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm

surface water, contaminated

Rivers, lakes, ponds that are prone to discharge of treated or untreated wastewater or other sources of fecal contamination are known (e.g. cattle accessing the water, runoff from agricultural land)

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
surface water, contaminated Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 90 2500 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
surface water, contaminated Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 2 480 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
surface water, contaminated Viruses Rotavirus 30 60 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm

surface water, protected

Rivers, lakes, ponds where the absence of pollution is actively managed, e.g. in protcted catchments

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
surface water, protected Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 0 1100 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
surface water, protected Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 2 240 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
surface water, protected Viruses Rotavirus 0 3 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm

rainwater, rooftop harvesting

Rainwater collected from rooftops or other surface areas which are kept relatively clean

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
rainwater, rooftop harvesting Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 0 24.00 KWR 2016.081 log10_norm
rainwater, rooftop harvesting Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0 0.19 KWR 2016.081 log10_norm
rainwater, rooftop harvesting Viruses Rotavirus 0 0.01 KWR 2016.081 log10_norm

rainwater, stormwater harvesting

Rainwater collected from roads or other surfaces which are likely to be contaminated

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
rainwater, stormwater harvesting Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 13.8694280 287.0393585 Sales Ortells 2015 log10_norm
rainwater, stormwater harvesting Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0.0000452 0.0880752 Sales Ortells 2015 log10_norm
rainwater, stormwater harvesting Viruses Rotavirus 9.7451066 64.7460691 Sales Ortells 2015 log10_norm


Groundwater, especially shallow wells, may be contaminated from ingress from the surface (manure, latrines) or contamination through the well head

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
groundwater Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 0 10 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
groundwater Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0 1 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm
groundwater Viruses Rotavirus 0 2 WHO GDWQ (2004) log10_norm

sewage, raw

Municipal sewage that has not received any treatment or only minimal treatment e.g. sedimentation

WaterSourceName PathogenGroup PathogenName min max ReferenceName distribution
sewage, raw Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 100 1e+06 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm
sewage, raw Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 1 1e+04 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm
sewage, raw Viruses Rotavirus 50 5e+03 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.6 log10_norm


Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation

Conventional clarification

Consists of coagulant and/or flocculant aid (e.g. polymer) dosing, rapid mixing, slow mixing and sedimentation. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Conventional clarification Bacteria 0.2 2.0 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Conventional clarification Protozoa 1.0 2.0 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Conventional clarification Viruses 0.1 3.4 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Dissolved air flotation

Compressed air is injected in the water such that air bubbles bring suspended solids to the water surface where they are skimmed off. Coagulant may be dosed. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Dissolved air flotation Protozoa 0.6 2.6 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

High-rate clarification

Consists of coagulant and/or flocculant aid (e.g. polymer) dosing, mixing and enhanced sedimentation by flock blankets, lamellae- or tube settlers. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
High-rate clarification Protozoa 2 2.8 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Lime softening

Lime is dosed to the water to reduce hardness. When flocks are formed, they can entrap pathogens. Note that the technical design of the softening process affects the log reduction. e.g. pellet-softening has no effect on pathogens.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Lime softening Bacteria 1 4 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Lime softening Protozoa 0 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Lime softening Viruses 2 4 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform


Granular high-rate filtration

Water is filtered through a fixed bed of granular media (e.g. sand) generally operatied down flow with rates of 5 to 20 m/h and contact times of 4 to 15 minutes. They are regularly backwashed to remove built up solids in the filter. Log removal depends on filter media and coagulation pretreatment;consistent low filtered water turbidity of ? 0.3 NTU (none to exceed 1 NTU) are associated higher log removal of pathogens

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Granular high-rate filtration Bacteria 0.2 4.4 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Granular high-rate filtration Protozoa 0.4 3.3 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Granular high-rate filtration Viruses 0.0 3.5 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Precoat filtration

Consist of a fine filter (e.g. candle filter or drum filter) that is precoated by dosing fine granular material (often diatomaceous earth). This material forms a fine filter cake that removes solids from the water. The log removal can only be achieved if the filter cake is present and depends on precoat media grade and filtratin rate.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Precoat filtration Bacteria 0.2 2.3 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Precoat filtration Protozoa 3.0 6.7 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Precoat filtration Viruses 1.0 1.7 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Slow sand filtration

Water is filtered through a fixed bed sand operatied down flow with rates of 0.1 to 1 m/h and contact times of 3 to 6 hours. The filter is not backwashed. In weeks to months a ‘schmutzdecke’ will develop on the filter which enhances log removal. Grain size, flow rate and temperature also affect log removal. Consistent low filtered water turbidity of ? 0.3 NTU (none to exceed 1 NTU) are associated higher log removal of pathogens

associated with 1 - 2 log reduction of viruses and 2.5 - 3 log reduction of Cryptosporidiuma

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Slow sand filtration Bacteria 2.00 6 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Slow sand filtration Protozoa 0.30 5 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Slow sand filtration Viruses 0.25 4 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Dual media filtration

Water is filtered through a fixed bed consisting of two layers of granular media (e.g. antracite and sand) generally operatied down flow with rates of 5 to 20 m/h and contact times of 4 to 15 minutes. They are regularly backwashed to remove built up solids in the filter. Log removal depends on filter media and coagulation pretreatment;consistent low filtered water turbidity of ? 0.3 NTU (none to exceed 1 NTU) are associated higher log removal of pathogens

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Dual media filtration Bacteria 0.0 1.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Dual media filtration Protozoa 1.5 2.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Dual media filtration Viruses 0.5 3.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Membrane filtration

A membrane is a thin sheet with small openings that removes solids and depending on membrane type, solutes from the water when this is led through the membrane.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Membrane filtration Bacteria 3.5 6 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Membrane filtration Protozoa 6.0 6 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Membrane filtration Viruses 2.5 6 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Reverse osmosis

A reverse osmosis membrane is a thin sheet with small openings that removes solids and most soluble molecules, including salts (< 0,004 µm depending on selected membrane) from the water when this is led through the membrane. It can take the form of spiral wound membranes, hollow fibers or sheets. Actual log reduction depends on the selected membrane and is determined by challenge testing.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Reverse osmosis Bacteria 5.44 6.00 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Reverse osmosis Protozoa 5.75 6.32 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Reverse osmosis Viruses 5.44 6.00 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform


A microfiltration membrane is a thin sheet with small openings that removes solids (0.1-10 µm depending on selected membrane) from the water when this is led through the membrane. It can take the form of capilary tubes, hollow fibers or sheet membranes. Actual log reduction depends on the selected membrane and is determined by challenge testing.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Microfiltration Bacteria 0.0 4.3 MICRORISK final report chapter 4 Table 4.11 uniform
Microfiltration Protozoa 2.3 6.0 MICRORISK final report chapter 4 Table 4.11 uniform
Microfiltration Viruses 0.0 3.7 MICRORISK final report chapter 4 Table 4.11 uniform


An ultrafiltration membrane is a thin sheet with small openings that removes solids (0.005-0,2 µm depending on selected membrane) from the water when this is led through the membrane. It can take the form of capilary tubes, hollow fibers, spiral wound or sheet membranes. Actual log reduction depends on the selected membrane and is determined by challenge testing.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Ultrafiltration Bacteria 5.50 6.00 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Ultrafiltration Protozoa 5.30 6.50 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Ultrafiltration Viruses 2.69 5.14 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform


An nanofiltration membrane is a thin sheet with small openings that removes solids and larger soluble molecules (0.001-0,03 µm depending on selected membrane) from the water when this is led through the membrane. It can take the form of spiral wound or hollow fiber membranes. Actual log reduction depends on the selected membrane and is determined by challenge testing.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Nanofiltration Bacteria 5.44 6.00 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Nanofiltration Protozoa 5.75 6.32 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform
Nanofiltration Viruses 5.44 6.00 NSF/ANSI 419 validation uniform


Bank filtration

Water is abstracted through wells located close to surface water, thus the bank serves as a natural filter. Log removal depends on travel distance and time, soil type (grain size), and geochemicl conditions (oxygen level, pH)

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Bank filtration Bacteria 2.0 6.0 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Bank filtration Protozoa 1.0 2.0 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Bank filtration Viruses 2.1 8.3 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Roughing filters

Water is filtered through a fixed bed of coarse granular media (e.g. rocks 5-20 mm) operated at high rates. They are not backwashed. Log removal depends on filter media and coagulation pretreatment.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Roughing filters Bacteria 0.2 2.3 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Storage reservoirs

Water is protected from human recontamination in reservoirs, however wildlife and waterfoul may introduce pathogens. Log reduction occurs due to sedimentation, UV radiation from sunlight and die-off in time, depending on construction (mixing) and temperature. Reporded reduction based on residence time > 40 days (bacteria), 160 days (protozoa)

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Storage reservoirs Bacteria 0.7 2.2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Storage reservoirs Protozoa 1.4 2.3 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Primary treatment

Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Primary treatment Bacteria 0 0.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Primary treatment Protozoa 0 1.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Primary treatment Viruses 0 0.1 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Secondary treatment

Secondary treatment consists of an activated sludge process to break down organics in the wastewater and a settling stage to separate the biologiscal sludge from the water.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Secondary treatment Bacteria 1.0 3.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Secondary treatment Protozoa 0.5 1.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Secondary treatment Viruses 0.5 2.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Primary disinfection

Chlorination, wastewater

Log inactivation depends on free chlorine concentration and contact time (CT); not effective against Cryptosporidium oocysts, reported protozoan log reduction is mostly for Giardia. Turbidity and chlorine-demanding solutes inhibit this process; hence, effect in wastewater is limited since free chlorine will rapidly decay.

Effective disinfection. Where this is not practical, turbidities should be kept below 5 NTU with higher chlorine doses or contact times. In addition to initial disinfection, the benefits of maintaining free chlorine residuals throughout distribution systems at or above 0.2 mg/l should be considered

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Chlorination, wastewater Bacteria 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Chlorination, wastewater Protozoa 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Chlorination, wastewater Viruses 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Chlorine dioxide

Log inactivation depends on chlorine dioxide concentration and contact time (CT); Turbidity and organics inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support effective disinfection Chlorine dioxide degrades rapidly and doesn’t leave a disinfectand residual for distribution.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Chlorine dioxide Bacteria 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Chlorine dioxide Protozoa 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Chlorine dioxide Viruses 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

Ozonation, drinking water

Log inactivation depends on dissolved ozone concentration and contact time (CT); Turbidity and organics inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support

effective disinfection. Ozone degrades rapidly and doesn’t leave a disinfectand residual for distribution. Effective mixing and consistent contact time are crucial for disinfection due to the rapid degradation of ozone.

Cryptosporidium varies widely

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Ozonation, drinking water Bacteria 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Ozonation, drinking water Protozoa 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform
Ozonation, drinking water Viruses 2 2 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.7 uniform

UV disinfection 20 mJ/cm2, drinking

UV-light is mostly effective at 254 nm where it affects DNA or RNA thus preventing reproduction of the organism (inactivation). Log reduction for drinking water UV is based on closed UV-reactors wich have been validated according to appropriate standards (e.g. USEPA or DVGW). Effectiveness of disinfection depends on delivered fluence (dose in mJ/cm2), which varies with lamp intensity, exposure time (flow rate) and UV-absorption by the water (organics). Excessive turbidity and certain dissolved species inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support effective disinfection.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
UV disinfection 20 mJ/cm2, drinking Bacteria 4.6 6.0 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform
UV disinfection 20 mJ/cm2, drinking Protozoa 2.4 3.0 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform
UV disinfection 20 mJ/cm2, drinking Viruses 2.0 3.1 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform

Chlorination, drinking water

Log inactivation depends on free chlorine concentration and contact time (CT); not effective against Cryptosporidium oocysts, reported log reduction is mostly for Giardia. Turbidity and chlorine-demanding solutes inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support effective disinfection. Where this is not practical, turbidities should be kept below 5 NTU with higher chlorine doses or contact times. In addition to initial disinfection, the benefits of maintaining free chlorine residuals throughout distribution systems at or above 0.2 mg/l should be considered

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Chlorination, drinking water Bacteria 2 6.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Chlorination, drinking water Protozoa 0 1.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Chlorination, drinking water Viruses 1 3.0 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Ozonation, wastewater

Log inactivation depends on dissolved ozone concentration and contact time (CT); Turbidity and organics inhibit this process; Since wastewater is often turbidity and contains high organics that consume ozone, the actual CT cannot be determined accurately and therefore inactivation cannot be determined accurately. Still, effective mixing and consistent contact time are crucial for disinfection due to the rapid degradation of ozone.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Ozonation, wastewater Bacteria 2 6 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Ozonation, wastewater Viruses 3 6 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

UV disinfection, wastewater

UV-light is mostly effective at 254 nm where it affects DNA or RNA thus preventing reproduction of the organism (inactivation). Effectiveness of disinfection depends on delivered fluence (dose in mJ/cm2), which varies with lamp intensity, exposure time (flow rate) and UV-absorption by the water (organics). Wastewater UV-reactors are generally open-channel reactors in which UV lamps are placed. Excessive turbidity and certain dissolved species inhibit this process; hence the effect in wastewater highly depends on the water quality an is generally lower than in drinking water at the same dose.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
UV disinfection, wastewater Bacteria 2 4 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
UV disinfection, wastewater Protozoa 3 3 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
UV disinfection, wastewater Viruses 1 3 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

UV disinfection 40 mJ/cm2, drinking

UV-light is mostly effective at 254 nm where it affects DNA or RNA thus preventing reproduction of the organism (inactivation). Log reduction for drinking water UV is based on closed UV-reactors wich have been validated according to appropriate standards (e.g. USEPA or DVGW). Effectiveness of disinfection depends on delivered fluence (dose in mJ/cm2), which varies with lamp intensity, exposure time (flow rate) and UV-absorption by the water (organics). Excessive turbidity and certain dissolved species inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support effective disinfection.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
UV disinfection 40 mJ/cm2, drinking Bacteria 4.6 6.0 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform
UV disinfection 40 mJ/cm2, drinking Protozoa 2.5 3.0 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform
UV disinfection 40 mJ/cm2, drinking Viruses 4.1 5.9 Hijnen et al. (2006) uniform


Wetlands, surface flow

An artificial wetland to treat municipal or industrial wastewater, greywater or stormwater runoff by a combination of sedimentation and biological processes including plants. Effect depends on design and climate, especially les log reduction at lower temperatures.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Wetlands, surface flow Bacteria 1.5 2.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Wetlands, surface flow Protozoa 0.5 1.5 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform

Wetlands, subsurface flow

An artificial wetland to treat municipal or industrial wastewater, greywater or stormwater runoff by a combination of sedimentation, filtration and biological processes including plants. Effect depends on design, soil/filter media and climate, especially les log reduction at lower temperatures.

TreatmentName PathogenGroup min max ReferenceName distribution
Wetlands, subsurface flow Bacteria 0.5 3 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform
Wetlands, subsurface flow Protozoa 0.5 2 DEMEAUWARE Deliverable 3.1 (p.18-19): NRMMC-EPHC-AHMC (2006), WHO 2006) uniform


domestic use, car washing

Assumed similar to garden watering estimated to typically occur every second day during dry months (half year). Exposure to aerosols occurs during watering.

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
domestic use, car washing 25 1e-04 NA

domestic use, toilet flushing

Frequency based on three uses of home toilet per day. Aerosol volumes are less than those produced by garden irrigation.

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
domestic use, toilet flushing 1100 1e-05 EPHC, NRMMC, AHMC (2006)

domestic use, washing machine

Assumes one member of household exposed. Calculated frequency based on Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. Aerosol volumes are less than those produced by garden irrigation (machines usually closed during operation).

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
domestic use, washing machine 100 1e-05 EPHC, NRMMC, AHMC (2006)

drinking water

Assumption for ingestion of drinking water

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
drinking water 365 1 NA

irrigation, garden

Garden watering estimated to typically occur every second day during dry months (half year). Routine exposure results from indirect ingestion via contact with plants, lawns, etc.

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
irrigation, garden 90 0.001 EPHC, NRMMC, AHMC (2006)

irrigation, public

Frequencies moderate as most people use municipal areas sparingly (estimate 1/2 - 3 weeks). People are unlikely to be directly exposed to large amounts of spray and therefore exposure is from indirect ingestion via contact with lawns, etc. Likely to be higher when used to irrigate facilities such as sports grounds or golf courses (estimate 1/week)

grounds and golf courses (estimate 1/week)

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
irrigation, public 50 0.001 EPHC, NRMMC, AHMC (2006)

irrigation, restricted

Based on unrestricted irrigation, but far less frequent due to restricted access

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
irrigation, restricted 1 0.005 NA

irrigation, unrestricted

100 g of lettuce leaves hold 10.8 mL water and cucumbers 0.4 mL at worst case (immediately post watering). A serve of lettuce (40 g) might hold 5 mL of recycled water and other produce might hold up to 1 mL per serve. Calculated frequencies are based on Autralian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data

WaterUseName events_perYear litres_perEvent ReferenceName
irrigation, unrestricted 70 0.005 EPHC, NRMMC, AHMC (2006)


PathogenGroup PathogenName Bestfitmodel k alpha N50 ReferenceName
Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni beta-Poisson NA 0.144 890.00 Black et al 1988
Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum exponential 0.0572 NA NA Messner et al. 2001
Viruses Rotavirus beta-Poisson NA 0.253 6.17 Ward et al, 1986


PathogenGroup PathogenName infection_to_illness dalys_per_case ReferenceName
Bacteria Campylobacter jejuni 0.3 0.0046 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.4
Protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum 0.7 0.0015 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.4
Viruses Rotavirus 0.5 0.0140 WHO (2011): Drinking water guideline, Table 7.4