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Overview of available machine learning frameworks in R, which are ordered from cutting-edge to outdated:

  1. tidymodels: collection of packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principle covering the whole workflow (data pre-processing to evaluating model performance). Should also make it simple to switch to between different models. Recommended e-learning course (~4h) is offered by DataCamp Modeling with tidymodels in R.

  2. mlr3: R package developed by statisticians at TU Dortmund. Should make it easy to develop different machine learning models. Maybe an alternative to tidymodels approach?

  3. caret: R package for machine learning. Outdated, as main developer Max Kuhn now works for R Studio for improving the tidymodels framework mentioned above.



General Book Recommendation for …

“… R users who want to improve their programming skills and understanding of the language. It should also be useful for programmers coming to R from other languages,”

Hadley Wickam (2021): Advanced R (2nd edition) (free HTML version)

E-Learning plattform Datacamp: offers more than 37 Machine Learning courses in R. At KWB we have a premium company account. If you are working for KWB and interested please follow the Learning R on DataCamp workflow.