This R package provides functions to read and write data on CCTV sewerage inspections. The format expected when reading and generated when writing is the text format that is described in the European Norm EN 13508-2.

Install the Package

You can install the latest development version of the package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("KWB-R/kwb.en13508.2", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Load the Package

Read a File Encoded in EN 13508.2 Format

You can read a file formatted in EN 13508.2 text format using readEuCodedFile().

For the purpose of demonstration, we load an example file that is contained in the package:

The result is a list with the three components representing the A-, B- and C- parts, respectively, of the file:

  • A-part containing information on the file format
  • inspections: B-parts containing information on the inspections as a whole
  • observations: C-parts containing information on the detailed observations that were made during the inspections

Part C: Observations

Again, let’s have a look at what the columns mean:

The column inspno groups together observations that belong to the same inspection. The number in the column refers to the row number in the table of inspections (survey$inspections). For example, to get all the observations that belong to the third inspection, you may filter survey$observations like in the following. For a more compact output we exclude the tenth column (“F”) containing the remarks:

The information on the inspection is found in the inspno-th row (here: third row) of config$inspections: