Write Inspection Data to File in EU Format

writeEuCodedFile(inspection.data, output.file = NULL, version = 3,
  dbg = TRUE, ...)



inspection data as retrieved by e.g. readEuCodedFile: list with elements header.info, inspections, observations. List element header.info is a list with at least the following elements: separator (column separator), decimal (decimal character "." or ","), quote (character used to quote texts in order to allow the separator sign to be used within the text). List element observations is a data.frame with required columns inspno (inspection number)


full path to output file


version of implementation. One of c(1, 2, 3)


if TRUE debug messages are shown

passed to toEuFormat_v2


if output.file is given, the path to the output file is returned, otherwise (output.file = NULL) the file content is returned as a vector of character representing the lines of the file.