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kwb.dwd 0.3.0 (2023-05-23)

  • update/improve/fix GitHub actions workflow files
  • depend on R >= 3.5.0 (Required by R CMD check)
  • use Markdown syntax in roxygen comments
  • update dataset dwd_files
  • add new datasets
    • shapes_germany_0,
    • shapes_germany_1,
    • shapes_germany_2
  • add new functions (exported)
    • list_extracted_radolan_files
  • export functions that were private before
    • temp_dir
  • add new functions (not exported)
    • assert_all_ending_with
    • check_binary_radolan_files
    • configure_radolan
    • consider_flags
    • contains_file
    • copy_file
    • download_and_extract_radolan
    • download_and_extract_radolan_url
    • download_dir
    • download_into_folder_structure
    • ftp_path_radolan
    • ftp_path_radolan_all
    • get_full_extension
    • get_radolan_format_description
    • get_radolan_header_patterns
    • get_radolan_metadata
    • get_radolan_metadata_from_header
    • get_radolan_timestamps
    • get_radolan_timestamps_from_filenames
    • get_radolan_timestamps_from_headers
    • get_regional_stats_from_radolan_asc_files
    • get_regional_stats_from_radolan_bin_files
    • get_regional_stats_from_radolan_files
    • get_relative_path
    • list_grids_germany
    • month_range_pattern
    • on_windows
    • open_for_reading_in_binary_mode
    • read_asc_file
    • read_hourly_radolan_historical_bin_for_region
    • remove_left
    • remove_protocol
    • remove_right
    • split_radolan_header
    • unzip_tar_file
    • unzip_tar_gz_file
    • unzip_zip_file
    • url_to_relative_path
  • modify functions
    • check_or_download_shapes_germany: add arguments “url”, “timeout”, report about “timeout” error, rename to download_shapes_germany
    • default_projection_file: add argument “quiet”
    • download_if_not_there: add arguments “target_dir”, “mode”, “timeout”, rename to download
    • extract_radolan_zip_files: refactor
    • filter_shapes: use accessor function, check that one row is selected
    • get_berlin_dwd_mask: simplify
    • get_shapes_of_germany: add argument “use_sf”, return shapes that are provided as datasets in the package
    • last_month_as_yyyymm: rename to “last_month”, add argument “format”
    • list_zip_files: refactor
    • month_sequence: add argument “simple”
    • provide_projection_file: refactor
    • raster_stats: use raster`::getValues
    • read_binary_radolan_file: add argument “consider_flags”
    • read_binary_radolan_header: add argument “dbg”
    • read_monthly_data_over_shape: add argument “quiet”, “shape”, “use_sf”
    • read_shape_file: merge two functions (function was defined twice!)
    • select_shapes: improve output
    • temp_dir: rename arguments (remove dot) and export
    • transform_coords: ?
  • remove functions
    • assert_ending_gz (use assert_all_ending_with)
    • extract_metadata_from_files_daily (use extract_metadata_from_files)
    • extract_metadata_from_files_monthly (use extract_metadata_from_files)
    • extract_yyyymm (integrated where it was used)
    • filter_by_extension_asc_gz (use filter_by_extension)
    • filter_by_extension_tgz (use filter_by_extension)
    • frequency_prefix (integrated where it was used)
    • ftp_path_daily_grids (use ftp_path_grids_germany)
    • ftp_path_monthly_grids (use ftp_path_grids_germany)
    • list_daily_grids_germany_tgz (use list_grids_germany)
    • list_monthly_grids_germany_asc_gz (use list_grids_germany)
    • main_columns_first (integrated where it was used)
    • month_sequence_simple (use month_sequence_simple)
    • url_projection

kwb.dwd 0.2.1 (2024-04-08)

  • Install rgdal dependency from CRAN`s GitHub account (as it has been archived since 2023-10-16, see here).

kwb.dwd 0.2.0 (2022-09-20)

kwb.dwd 0.1.1 (2019-12-17)
