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List and Download Data from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

DWD provides data for download via a web interface. The base address to the web interface is:

There is also an FTP server. The base address to the ftp server is:

The most relevant files are in

You may use the function ftp_path_cdc to get this path:


List Files or Folders in a FTP Directory

The package contains a function to list all files below a certain FTP address.

Function: list_url()


base_url <- kwb.dwd:::ftp_path_cdc("grids_germany")
files <- kwb.dwd::list_url(base_url, max_depth = 1L)

Set the argument full_names to TRUE to get the full addresses.

What files are available on DWD’s FTP Server?

Getting a full list of all available files using the list_url function takes a while. Therefore this package contains a data frame with all file paths as they were available when the package was last updated.

Dataset: dwd_files


file_info <- kwb.dwd::dwd_files

# Which files have "evapo" (evaporation) in their name?
is_evapo <- grep("evapo", file_info$file)

head(file_info[is_evapo, c("file", "size", "modification_time")])

Get URLs to Radolan Files

Function: get_radolan_urls()

radolan_urls <- kwb.dwd::get_radolan_urls()


Get URLs to Monthly Grids in Zipped ESRI-ascii-grid Format

Function: list_grids_germany()


urls <- kwb.dwd:::list_grids_germany("monthly", ".asc.gz", "precipitation")

[1] ""
[2] ""
[3] ""
[4] ""
[5] ""
[6] ""

Get URLs to DWD Metadata

Function: get_dwd_urls_metadata()


urls_meta <- kwb.dwd::get_dwd_urls_metadata()


# Read the content of one metadata file
  fileEncoding = "WINDOWS-1252", 
  n = 10

For a Given URL, Try to Find Description Files

Function: find_description_files()

Once you have a URL to a data file, you can look for description files that may be contained in the same folder:

example_url <- paste0(


Open Description for DWD Record in Web Browser

Function: open_description()



You will be asked something like this if there are description files available:

Which file should I open? (0 = Cancel) 

1: BESCHREIBUNG_obsgermany_climate_daily_kl_historical_de.pdf
2: DESCRIPTION_obsgermany_climate_daily_kl_historical_en.pdf
3: KL_Tageswerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt
4: KL_Tageswerte_mn4_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt


Download Radolan Data in Binary Format from DWD Server

Function: download_radolan()


# Take care, this takes time!
kwb.dwd::download_radolan(resolution = "daily")

Download data from other sources

Download Shape Files for Germany

Function: download_shapes_germany()

This function downloads shape files for Germany. They are not provided by DWD so this package may not be the best place for this function.

target_path <- kwb.dwd::download_shapes_germany()

Shape files have been downloaded and extracted to the target path:

shape_files <- dir(target_path, "[.]shp$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

What can we do with these shape files? We can read and show them, for example:

shape <- sf::read_sf(shape_files[2L])
plot(shape[, "NAME_1"])

Provide List of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame for Germany

Function: get_shapes_of_germany()


shapes <- kwb.dwd::get_shapes_of_germany()

Interactively Configure Selection of SpatialPolygons

Function: select_shapes()



You will be asked to select a layer…

Select layer 

1: gadm40_DEU_1.shp
2: gadm40_DEU_2.shp
3: gadm40_DEU_3.shp
4: gadm40_DEU_4.shp


Let User Select a Column from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

Function: select_variable()



You will be asked to select a variable…

Select variable 

1: ID_0 (DEU)
2: COUNTRY (Germany)
3: NAME_1 (Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin)
4: ID_2 (DEU.1.1_1, DEU.1.2_1, DEU.1.3_1)
5: NAME_2 (Alb-Donau-Kreis, Baden-Baden, Biberach)
6: TYPE_2 (Landkreis, Stadtkreis, Water body)
7: ENGTYPE_2 (District, Water body)
8: CC_2 (08425, 08211, 08426)

Extract downloaded files

Extract radolan zip files

Function: extract_radolan_zip_files()

Download a .gz File and Unzip it

Function: unzip_asc_gz_file()


Convert Binary Radolan File to Raster File

Function: convert_bin_to_raster_file()

We need a binary file as provided by DWD. See above for how to download Radolan binary files.

bin_file <- file.path(

raster <- kwb.dwd::convert_bin_to_raster_file(bin_file)

We can plot the content of the raster file using the plot function of the raster package:


Radolan raw to raster

Function: radolan_raw_to_raster()

Conversion of coordinates

Coordinates to EPSG-4326

Function: coordinates_to_EPSG_4326()

kwb.dwd::coordinates_to_EPSG_4326(longitude = 0, latitude = 0)

Where do we need this? Good question, next question.


Crop a circle-shaped region from the Radolan data grid of Germany

Function: crop_radolan_radial()

We need a folder with rst files…

rst_path <- kwb.dwd:::download_dir("rst")

files <- dir(rst_path, full.names = TRUE)

radolan_data <- raster::stack(files)

names(radolan_data) <- substr(
  gsub("raa01-sf_10000-", "", basename(files)), 
  start = 1, 
  stop = 6
# Error!
#radolan_data <- kwb.dwd::read_relevant_years_radolan(
#  rst_path, years = 2018

cropped <- kwb.dwd::crop_radolan_radial(
  latitude = 52.520008, 
  longitude = 13.404954

# What does the warning mean?

Problem here: read_relevant_years_radolan is too specific, expects a certain file name pattern

that are not alread mentioned elsewhere…

Get Radolan Extension (“Bounding box” of Radolan area)

Function: get_radolan_extension()

Which coordinate system?

Compose radolan projection string

Function: get_radolan_projection_string()

Read different file formats

Read Zipped ESRI-Ascii-Grid File (from URL)

Function: read_asc_gz_file()

Read an Example Raster File for Germany

Function: get_example_grid_germany()


grid <- kwb.dwd::get_example_grid_germany()

Read Binary Radolan File

Function: read_binary_radolan_file()

Read Relevant Radolan Data from rst Database

Function: read_relevant_years_radolan()

Write different file formats

Writing raster data to a file

Function: write_raster_to_file()

  file.path(tempdir(), "raster.rst")

High-Level Functions, General

Read daily data from DWD, mask region with given shape file

Function: read_daily_data_over_shape()

Read monthly data from DWD, mask region with given shape file

Function: read_monthly_data_over_shape()

Download, crop, summarise

Function: calculate_masked_grid_stats()

This seems to be a highly specific function that requires a list of matrices as input. But where to get this list from… ? We can create an example from scratch to demonstrate what the function does:

#writeLines(paste(sample(0:3, 12, replace = TRUE), collapse = ", "))
to_matrix <- function(...) matrix(c(...), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

matrix_1 <- structure(file = "file_1", year = 2022L, month = 1L,  to_matrix(
  2, 3, 1, 
  0, 2, 3, 
  1, 3, 2, 
  1, 2, 0

matrix_2 <- structure(file = "file_2", year = 2022L, month = 2L, to_matrix(
  3, 0, 2, 
  0, 0, 0, 
  3, 0, 1, 
  3, 2, 1

matrices <- list(matrix_1, matrix_2)

# Take car to use NA, not zero!
geo_mask <- to_matrix(
  NA, 1, NA, 
   1, 1,  1, 
   1, 1,  1, 
  NA, 1, NA

kwb.dwd::calculate_masked_grid_stats(matrices, geo_mask)

This was a simple example. We have used this function to calculate mean evaporation values for Berlin. Thanks to Andreas Matzinger we have a function that returns the matrix that can be used to crop the Berlin area.

Function: get_berlin_dwd_mask


High-Level Functions, Specific to Berlin

Load monthly potential evaporation for Berlin from DWD

Function: load_potential_evaporation_berlin() Function: load_potential_evaporation_berlin_2() (newer version)

Load monthly precipitation for Berlin from DWD

Function: load_precipitation_berlin()