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This workflow is based on using the R package kwb.hydrus1d, which is compatible with the last official release of HYDRUS1D v4.17.0140. The development of this new R package was necessary, due to the fact that already available model wrappers were developed for outdated HYDRUS1D versions (e.g.  python package phydrus requires HYDRUS1D v4.08) and/or are not well maintained (e.g. open issues/pull requests for R package hydrusR).

The workflow below describes all the steps required for:

  1. Input data preparation

  2. Modifying (i.e. atmospheric input data defined in file an already pre-prepared HYDRUS1D model (using the HYDRUS1D GUI)

  3. Running it from within R by using the command line (cmd) and

  4. Importing and analysing the HYDRUS1D results within R.

Install R Package

# Enable this universe
options(repos = c(
  kwbr = '',
  CRAN = ''))
# Install R package

Define Paths

paths_list <- list(
  extdata = system.file("extdata", package = "flextreat.hydrus1d"),
  exe_dir = "<extdata>/model",
  scenario = "status-quo",
  model_name = "test",
  model_dir = "<exe_dir>/<model_name>",
  atmosphere = "<model_dir>/ATMOSPH.IN",
  a_level = "<model_dir>/A_LEVEL.out",
  t_level = "<model_dir>/T_LEVEL.out",
  runinf = "<model_dir>/Run_Inf.out",
  solute_id = 1, 
  solute = "<model_dir>/solute<solute_id>.out",
  soil_data = "<extdata>/input-data/soil/soil_geolog.csv"

paths <- kwb.utils::resolve(paths_list)

Input Data


Soil data is derived from depth-dependent grain-size analysis of soil samples taken in Braunschweig. The following required input parameters for the van Genuchten model used in HYDRUS1D were derived by using the pedotransfer function ROSETTA-API version 3, which was developed by Zhang and Schaap, 2017.


soil_dat <- readr::read_csv(paths$soil_data, show_col_types = FALSE) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(layer_id = dplyr::if_else(.data$tiefe_cm_ende < 60, 
                thickness_cm = .data$tiefe_cm_ende - .data$tiefe_cm_start,
                sand = .data$S_prozent + .data$G_prozent, 
                silt = .data$U_prozent, 
                clay = round(100 - .data$sand - .data$silt,
                                     1)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(clay = dplyr::if_else(.data$clay < 0,
                                      .data$clay)) %>% 
  soilDB:::ROSETTA(vars = c("sand", "silt", "clay"),
                   v = "3") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(alpha = 10^.data$alpha,
                npar = 10^.data$npar, 
                ksat = 10^.data$ksat)

tiefe_cm tiefe_cm_start tiefe_cm_ende gluehverlust_prozent U_prozent S_prozent G_prozent kf_beyer layer_id thickness_cm sand silt clay theta_r theta_s alpha npar ksat .rosetta.model .rosetta.version
0 - 30 0 30 2.7 6.4 93.1 0.4 9.5e-05 1 30 93.5 6.4 0.1 0.0481310 0.3671023 0.0334257 3.014652 716.3720 2 3
30 - 55 30 55 1.3 6.3 93.3 0.4 1.3e-04 1 25 93.7 6.3 0.0 0.0480175 0.3669818 0.0335768 3.053357 739.3399 2 3
55 - 80 55 80 0.6 1.7 97.3 1.1 1.9e-04 2 25 98.4 1.7 0.0 0.0485529 0.3626158 0.0355315 3.951321 1296.6154 2 3
80 - 150 80 150 0.2 1.3 98.6 0.1 2.0e-04 2 70 98.7 1.3 0.0 0.0486320 0.3621635 0.0356286 4.021821 1343.1455 2 3
150 - 190 150 190 0.2 1.0 98.7 0.3 2.2e-04 2 40 99.0 1.0 0.0 0.0486788 0.3618558 0.0357316 4.088764 1388.8655 2 3
190 - 210 190 210 0.3 2.5 97.2 0.3 1.7e-04 2 20 97.5 2.5 0.0 0.0484589 0.3633709 0.0351930 3.764078 1171.5976 2 3

Due to similar soil characteristics, only two different layers (column layer_id) were defined: - layer 1: ranging from 0 cm - 55 cm depth - layer 2: ranging from 55 cm - 210 cm depth

The spatially aggregation for each layer (geometric mean) of the input parameters for the van Genuchten model is performed with the code below and shown in the subsequent table.

soil_dat_per_layer <- soil_dat %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(.data$layer_id) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(layer_thickness = max(.data$tiefe_cm_ende) - min(.data$tiefe_cm_start),
                   theta_r = sum(.data$theta_r*.data$thickness_cm)/.data$layer_thickness,
                   theta_s = sum(.data$theta_s*.data$thickness_cm)/.data$layer_thickness,
                   alpha = sum(.data$alpha*.data$thickness_cm)/.data$layer_thickness,
                   npar = sum(.data$npar*.data$thickness_cm)/.data$layer_thickness,
                   ksat = sum(.data$ksat*.data$thickness_cm)/.data$layer_thickness)

layer_id layer_thickness theta_r theta_s alpha npar ksat
1 55 0.0480794 0.3670475 0.0334944 3.032245 726.812
2 155 0.0486090 0.3623128 0.0355833 3.994469 1325.304

Atmospheric Boundary Conditions

In total three different atmospheric input boundary conditions (precipitation, potential evaporation and irrigation) are used within the HYDRUS1D model and described in the following subchapters in more detail.


Rainfall is based on historical hourly raw data downloaded from DWD open-data ftp server for station_id = 662 (i.e. Braunschweig). Data is aggregated within R to daily sums by using the code below:


rdwd::selectDWD(name = "Braunschweig", res = "daily")

url_bs_rain <- rdwd::selectDWD(name = "Braunschweig",
                               res = "hourly",
                               var = "precipitation",
                               per = "historical" )

bs_rain <- rdwd::dataDWD(url_bs_rain)

precipitation_hourly <- rdwd::dataDWD(url_bs_rain) %>%
  dplyr::select(.data$MESS_DATUM, .data$R1) %>%
  dplyr::rename("datetime" = "MESS_DATUM",
                "precipitation_mm" = "R1")


precipitation_daily <- precipitation_hourly %>%
  dplyr::mutate("date" = as.Date(datetime)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(date) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(rain_mm = sum(precipitation_mm))


Potential Evaporation

Is based on daily potential evaporation grids (1km x 1km) downloaded from DWD open-data server, where all grids (i.e. 46) within the Abwasserverregnungsgebiet.shp were selected and spatially aggregated (mean, sd, min, max) by using the code below:

shape_file <- system.file("extdata/input-data/gis/Abwasserverregnungsgebiet.shp",
                          package = "flextreat.hydrus1d")

# Only data of full months can currently be read!
evapo_p <- kwb.dwd::read_daily_data_over_shape(
  file = shape_file,
  variable = "evapo_p",
  from = "201701",
  to = "202012"



Monthly irrigation volumes were provided by Abwasserverband Braunschweig for the time period 2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31 as csv file and separates between two sources (groundwater and clearwater). Data preparation was carried out with the code below:

irrigation_file <- system.file("extdata/input-data/Beregnungsmengen_AVB.csv",
                          package = "flextreat.hydrus1d")

# irrigation_area <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = shape_file) 
# irrigation_area_sqm <- irrigation_area$area  # 44111068m2

## 2700ha (
irrigation_area_sqm <- 27000000

irrigation <- read.csv2(irrigation_file) %>%
  dplyr::select(- .data$Monat) %>%
  dplyr::rename(irrigation_m3 = .data$Menge_m3,
                source = .data$Typ,
                month = .data$Monat_num,
                year = .data$Jahr) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(date_start = as.Date(sprintf("%d-%02d-01",
                days_in_month = as.numeric(lubridate::days_in_month(.data$date_start)),
                date_end =  as.Date(sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d",
                source = kwb.utils::multiSubstitute(.data$source,
                                                    replacements = list("Grundwasser" = "groundwater.mmPerDay",
                                                                        "Klarwasser" = "clearwater.mmPerDay")),
                irrigation_cbmPerDay = .data$irrigation_m3/.data$days_in_month,
                irrigation_area_sqm = irrigation_area_sqm,
                irrigation_mmPerDay = 1000*irrigation_cbmPerDay/irrigation_area_sqm) %>%
                .data$irrigation_area_sqm) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data$source,
                     values_from = .data$irrigation_mmPerDay)



Modify Input Files

All model input files were initially setup by using the HYDRUS1D-GUI but the following below were modified manually with the

Soil input data were entered manually in for the two layers defined the second table in Chapter: Input Data - Soil.

Based on the atmospheric input data (see Chapter: Atmospheric Boundary Conditions) the file for HYDRUS1D is prepared with the code below and starts with the hydrological summer half year (assumption: soil is fully wetted at end of winter half year):

atm <- flextreat.hydrus1d::prepare_atmosphere_data()
atm_selected <- flextreat.hydrus1d::select_hydrologic_years(atm)

atm_selected_hydro_wide <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_atmosphere(atm_selected, "wide")


atm_selected_hydro_long <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_atmosphere(atm_selected, "long")
atm_hydro_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_atmosphere(atm_selected_hydro_long)

kwb.utils::preparePdf(pdfFile = sprintf("boundaries-temporal_%s.pdf", 
                               = 18, = 10)
#> [1] "boundaries-temporal_status-quo.pdf"
#> agg_png 
#>       2

atm_prep <- flextreat.hydrus1d::prepare_atmosphere(
  conc_irrig_clearwater = 1, # use as "clearwater" tracer 
  conc_irrig_groundwater = 0, 
  conc_rain = 0)

atmos <- kwb.hydrus1d::write_atmosphere(
  atm = atm_prep,
  MaxAL = nrow(atm_prep),
  round_digits = 6 # increase precision for "clearwater" tracer!

writeLines(atmos, paths$atmosphere)

The selected time period covers 1279 days (2017-05-01 - 2020-10-31), i.e. it covers 7 hydrological half years.


These time-series were converted with the function flextreat.hydrus1d::prepare_atmosphere() into the data format required by HYDRUS1D. Due to the fact, that irrigation rates (i.e. sum of clearwater.mmPerDay and groundwater.mmPerDay) cannot be entered separately as input column within HYDRUS1D, these were simply added to th prec (i.e. precipitation) column. The whole time series defined in is shown below:


Run Model

Finally the model is run automatically by using the following code:

exe_path <- kwb.hydrus1d::check_hydrus_exe(dir = paths$exe_dir,
                                           skip_preinstalled = TRUE)
#> Checking if download of HYDRUS1D executable v4.17.0140 from '' was successful ... ok. (0.00 secs)
kwb.hydrus1d:::run_model(exe_path = exe_path,
                         model_path = paths$model_dir)
#> Warning in shell(cmd = sprintf("cd %s && %s", fs::path_abs(target_dir), : 'cd
#> D:/a/_temp/Library/flextreat.hydrus1d/extdata/model && H1D_CALC.exe' execution
#> failed with error code 24

Read Results

Numerical Solution

runinf <- kwb.hydrus1d::read_runinf(paths$runinf)

#>     t_level           time               dt               itr_w       
#>  Min.   :    1   Min.   :   0.05   Min.   :0.001988   Min.   : 2.000  
#>  1st Qu.: 5757   1st Qu.: 316.98   1st Qu.:0.023998   1st Qu.: 2.000  
#>  Median :11512   Median : 663.35   Median :0.050011   Median : 2.000  
#>  Mean   :11512   Mean   : 635.77   Mean   :0.055551   Mean   : 2.487  
#>  3rd Qu.:17268   3rd Qu.: 977.43   3rd Qu.:0.094365   3rd Qu.: 2.000  
#>  Max.   :23024   Max.   :1279.00   Max.   :0.100000   Max.   :20.000  
#>      itr_c       it_cum          kod_t             kod_b    converg       
#>  Min.   :1   Min.   :    4   Min.   :-4.0000   Min.   :-5   Mode:logical  
#>  1st Qu.:1   1st Qu.:17721   1st Qu.:-4.0000   1st Qu.:-5   TRUE:23024    
#>  Median :1   Median :34675   Median :-4.0000   Median :-5                 
#>  Mean   :1   Mean   :35843   Mean   :-0.4451   Mean   :-5                 
#>  3rd Qu.:1   3rd Qu.:53162   3rd Qu.: 4.0000   3rd Qu.:-5                 
#>  Max.   :1   Max.   :71796   Max.   : 4.0000   Max.   :-5                 
#>      peclet       courant       
#>  Min.   :0.1   Min.   :0.00100  
#>  1st Qu.:0.1   1st Qu.:0.01800  
#>  Median :0.1   Median :0.04800  
#>  Mean   :0.1   Mean   :0.09364  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.1   3rd Qu.:0.13800  
#>  Max.   :0.1   Max.   :0.97500

Conservative Tracer

solute <- kwb.hydrus1d::read_solute(paths$solute) 

solute_date <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_solute(solute, 
                                                    col_aggr = "date") 
solute_yearmonth <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_solute(solute, 
                                                         col_aggr = "yearmonth")
solute_year_hydrologic <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_solute(solute,
                                                               col_aggr = "year_hydrologic") %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$diff_time >= 364) ### filter out as only may-october


solute_date_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_solute(solute_date)
solute_yearmonth_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_solute(solute_yearmonth)



kwb.utils::preparePdf(pdfFile = sprintf("solute_yearmonth_%s.pdf", 
             = 22, 
             = 10)
#> [1] "solute_yearmonth_status-quo.pdf"
#> agg_png 
#>       2

Water Balance

t_level <- kwb.hydrus1d::read_tlevel(paths$t_level)
#> # A tibble: 23,024 × 22
#>     time r_top r_root  v_top v_root    v_bot sum_r_top sum_r_root sum_v_top
#>  * <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 0.05  0.205      0 0.205       0 -0.00173    0.0103          0    0.0103
#>  2 0.1   0.205      0 0.205       0 -0.00173    0.0205          0    0.0205
#>  3 0.155 0.205      0 0.205       0 -0.00173    0.0318          0    0.0318
#>  4 0.216 0.205      0 0.205       0 -0.00173    0.0442          0    0.0442
#>  5 0.223 0.205      0 0.0976      0 -0.00173    0.0457          0    0.0449
#>  6 0.231 0.205      0 0.0948      0 -0.00173    0.0474          0    0.0457
#>  7 0.24  0.205      0 0.104       0 -0.00173    0.0492          0    0.0466
#>  8 0.250 0.205      0 0.0901      0 -0.00173    0.0512          0    0.0475
#>  9 0.261 0.205      0 0.0819      0 -0.00173    0.0534          0    0.0484
#> 10 0.273 0.205      0 0.0717      0 -0.00173    0.0559          0    0.0492
#> # ℹ 23,014 more rows
#> # ℹ 13 more variables: sum_v_root <dbl>, sum_v_bot <dbl>, h_top <dbl>,
#> #   h_root <dbl>, h_bot <dbl>, run_off <dbl>, sum_run_off <dbl>, volume <dbl>,
#> #   sum_infil <dbl>, sum_evap <dbl>, t_level <dbl>, cum_w_trans <dbl>,
#> #   snow_layer <dbl>

## t_level aggregate
tlevel_aggr_date <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_tlevel(t_level)
tlevel_aggr_yearmonth <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_tlevel(t_level, 
                                                              col_aggr = "yearmonth")
tlevel_aggr_year_hydrologic <- flextreat.hydrus1d::aggregate_tlevel(t_level, 
                                                                    col_aggr = "year_hydrologic") %>% 
  dplyr::filter(.data$diff_time >= 364) ### filter out as only may-october


wb_date_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_waterbalance(tlevel_aggr_date)
wb_yearmonth_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_waterbalance(tlevel_aggr_yearmonth)
wb_yearhydrologic_plot <- flextreat.hydrus1d::plot_waterbalance(tlevel_aggr_year_hydrologic)




kwb.utils::preparePdf(pdfFile = sprintf("water-balance_yearmonth_%s.pdf", 
                               = 19, = 10)
#> [1] "water-balance_yearmonth_status-quo.pdf"
#> agg_png 
#>       2

        file = sprintf("wb_yearmonth_%s.Rds", paths$scenario))


a_level <- kwb.hydrus1d::read_alevel(paths$a_level)
#> # A tibble: 1,279 × 10
#>     time sum_r_top sum_r_root sum_v_top sum_v_root sum_v_bot     h_top h_root
#>  * <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1    0.205           0    0.0703          0  -0.00173 -100000        0
#>  2     2   -0.295           0   -0.430           0  -0.00346     -81.4      0
#>  3     3   -0.160           0   -0.295           0  -0.00520    -208.       0
#>  4     4   -0.326           0   -0.460           0  -0.00693     -94.7      0
#>  5     5   -0.361           0   -0.496           0  -0.00866    -108.       0
#>  6     6   -0.276           0   -0.411           0  -0.0104     -235.       0
#>  7     7   -0.0982          0   -0.334           0  -0.0121  -100000        0
#>  8     8   -0.0951          0   -0.331           0  -0.0139     -254.       0
#>  9     9    0.0395          0   -0.288           0  -0.0156  -100000        0
#> 10    10    0.174           0   -0.270           0  -0.0173  -100000        0
#> # ℹ 1,269 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: h_bot <dbl>, a_level <dbl>