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Call a function with all possible combinations of argument ranges


multicall(FUN, ..., fix. = names(formals(FUN))[1], max.combinations = 1000)



function to be called


scalars or vectors named as the arguments that are accepted by FUN. From all objects with a name that is not in fix. combinations of their values are created and FUN is called with each of these combinations.


names of arguments to be kept constant


maximum number of argument combinations to be created at maximum


bmi <- function(mass, height) round(mass / (height * height), 1)

  bmi, mass = 60:70, height = seq(1.7, 1.8, 0.1), fix. = NULL
#>    mass height group    y
#> 1    60    1.7     1 20.8
#> 2    61    1.7     2 21.1
#> 3    62    1.7     3 21.5
#> 4    63    1.7     4 21.8
#> 5    64    1.7     5 22.1
#> 6    65    1.7     6 22.5
#> 7    66    1.7     7 22.8
#> 8    67    1.7     8 23.2
#> 9    68    1.7     9 23.5
#> 10   69    1.7    10 23.9
#> 11   70    1.7    11 24.2
#> 12   60    1.8    12 18.5
#> 13   61    1.8    13 18.8
#> 14   62    1.8    14 19.1
#> 15   63    1.8    15 19.4
#> 16   64    1.8    16 19.8
#> 17   65    1.8    17 20.1
#> 18   66    1.8    18 20.4
#> 19   67    1.8    19 20.7
#> 20   68    1.8    20 21.0
#> 21   69    1.8    21 21.3
#> 22   70    1.8    22 21.6