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Once the installation is completed the (shiny) app can be started locally which is described below.

Case 1) First app launch or force data update

If you start the app for the first time you need to set the parameter “use_live_data = TRUE”, so that the:

  1. Latest operational data is downloaded from the mySQL Database and

  2. Analytics data is imported from the file ‘analytics.xlsx’ (see Installation, Step 4.2)

kwb.pilot::run_app(use_live_data = TRUE)

This step also always needs to be performed in case you want to import the latest operational and analytical data!

Case 2) Subsequent app launch (without data update)

If you start the app for at least a second time (i.e. after having at least once performed step 5.1) and do not need up-to-date operational and analytical data, it is sufficient to run the following code (i.e. with “use_live_data = FALSE”):
