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Data Analysis:

  • Add workfow for Infographic (KWB Annual Report) that will be published in the upcoming KWB annual report 2021/2022.

  • Added three workflows for data analysis (monthly values were grouped to decades, and for each month the mean as well as 5% and 95% confidence intervals are given). The three workflows are based on open-data from

  • Wasserportal Berlin covered data period starts on 1970-01-01 up to the recent year. Time resolution varied but are mostly daily for quantitative surface/groundwater monitoring stations. These were summarized to monthly means.

  • Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) with spatially averaged parameters (e.g. precipitation, evaporation: real and potential for Berlin (see DWD (Grid Data)). The longest time period with data
    is available for precipitation, which starts on 1881-01-01 and ends on 2022-08-31. For more details checkout the dataset dwd_berlin_monthly which is provided within this R package. In addition also a DWD (Climatic Water Balance) workflow is available by subtracting evaporation, real/potential from precipitation (based on DWD (Grid Data)).
