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kwb.epanet 0.2.0 2022-06-10

Prepare public release with the help of R package kwb.pkgbuild

  • added RScript R/.create_package_from_scratch to (eg. re-build DESCRIPTION added CI: Github actions, documentation website)

  • build documentation with roxygen2

kwb.epanet 0.1.99

  • Imported latest version from SVN (r5224) to KWB-R GitHub

kwb.epanet 0.0.4

  • new: runEpanet, runEpanetOnCommandLine, createDirAndReturnPath, replaceFileExtension

  • writeInputFileWithNewCurveSection now returns the path of the created file

kwb.epanet 0.0.3

  • new: writeInputFileWithNewCurveSection, replaceCurveSectionInInputFile, curvesToText, replaceCurves, replaceOneCurve

kwb.epanet 0.0.2

  • only the “high-level” functions are exported

kwb.epanet 0.0.1

  • First creation of the package