A dataset containing the performance of LIDs for different climate conditions created with R script in /data-raw/performances.R
A nested tibble with 575 rows and 16 variables:
- zone_id
climate zone id
- lid_name_tidy
tidy LID name
- scenario_name
name of LID scenario
- catchment_area_m2
catchment area in squaremeters
- lid_area_fraction
fraction of LID compared to total catchment
- lid_area_m2
total LID area
- lid_usage
tibble with LID usage parameterisation
- lid_controls
tibble with LID controls parameterisation
- subcatchment
tibble with subcatchment parameterisation
- annual
tibble with two columns "year" and "vrr" (volume rainfall retended for each year
- events_max
tibble with maximum values for each rainfall event
- events_sum
tibble with sum values for each rainfall event
- col_eventsep
name of SWMM results used for event separation
- model_inp
path to SWMM model input file
- model_rpt
path to SWMM model report file
- model_out
path to SWMM model output file