Define WTAQ parameters related to the times to be simulated
wtConfigureTimes(its = 1, tlast = 0, nlc = 0, nox = 0)
its | Time specification: ITS = 0: Log-cycle time steps (use to generate theoretical curves). ITS = 1: User-specified times. |
tlast | Largest value of time. Enter 0 if ITS = 1. |
nlc | Number of logarithmic cycles on the time scale for which drawdown will be calculated. Enter 0 if ITS = 1. |
nox | Number of equally spaced times per logarithmic cycle for which drawdown will be calculated. Enter 0 if ITS = 1. |
list with elements its, tlast, nlc, nox, representing WTAQ parameters defining the times to be simulated. See descriptions in Arguments section.