kwb.utils 0.14.1 2023-04-21
- Fix bug in listToDepth(): pass … arguments to FUN also if pattern is NULL
- Add argument “silent” to private function listFiles()
kwb.utils 0.14.0 2023-04-15
- add assignObjects()
- add catchWarning()
- add createFunctionAssignObjects()
- add createFunctionExtdataFile()
- add directoryName()
- add extdataFile()
- add fullWinPath()
- add getListNode()
- add hasZeroLength()
- add maxStringLength()
- add stopFormatted()
- improve implementation of hsAddMissingCols()
- export noSuchElements()
- improve extractSubstring()
- subexpressionMatches(): rename arg “regularExpression” to “pattern”, improve
- add nameElements()
- parallelNonNA(): use class of input vector “a” as class of output vector
- fix bug in catAndRun(): show an appropriate time unit, not always “seconds”
kwb.utils 0.13.0 2022-06-04
- add arrayToDataFrame()
- add catChanges()
- add catChangesIf()
- add commonNames()
- add copyAttributes()
- add createDirectories()
- add hasFinalSlash()
- add indent()
- add isTryError()
- add leftSubstringEquals()
- add mainClass()
- add nNA()
- add nUnique()
- add namedVectorFromColumns()
- add namedVectorToDataFrame()
- add orderDecreasinglyBy()
- add rangeToSequence()
- add removeEmpty()
- add removeEmpty2()
- add removeLeadingSlashes()
- add replaceFileExtension()
- add showPackageObjects()
- add splitIntoLines()
- add uniqueDirnames()
kwb.utils 0.12.0 2022-05-27
- add argument “deuOnly” to substSpecialChars()
- add function clipMatrix()
- add argument “rng” to inRange()
- add arguments “sep”, “simple” to makeUnique()
- substSpecialChars(): fix bug, substitute also colon with underscore
- extractRowRanges():
- let it work also for vector of character
- rename argument “columnName” to “column”, add argument “starts”, change order of arguments
kwb.utils 0.11.0 2022-01-19
- add argsCsv(), moved from kwb.sema
kwb.utils 0.10.0 2022-01-19
- add findChanges(), to be used by kwb.utils::hsEventsOnChange()
- add toConditional()
- allow to pass a “path” to getAttribute()
kwb.utils 0.9.0 2021-11-16
- fix bug in multiColumnLookup(): Consider “value” argument
- fix bug in hsStringToDate(): Do not complain on NA that were already in x
- Add new private functions: enumeration(), hintAvailable(), hintNoSuch(), stopIsNotBut(),
- checkForMissingColumns(), selectElements(): Use new private functions
kwb.utils 0.8.0 2021-02-19
- add: matrixToDataFrame()
- add (private): get_cache_dir(), set_cache_dir()
- add: readLinesWithEncoding(), moved from
- get_cached(): add argument “dbg”; return NULL if file does not exist
- lastElement(): do not use tail() for lists, use x[[length(x)]] instead
- orderBy(): allow to order by multiple columns
- preparePdf(): set paper to “special” if width or height are set
- readDictionary(): add arguments “fileEncoding”, “…”, pass on to readLinesWithEncoding()
- writeDictionary(): check “file” argument. Do not check the file path unless “file” is of class character (and not a connection)
kwb.utils 0.7.0 2020-07-31
- new functions: backspace(), createAccessor(), createStorage(), left(), listToDepth(), objectToText(), orderBy(), repeated(), reproducibleSample(), right(), space(), substSpecialChars(), textToObject()
- new generic (S3) function: print.repro_sample
- listToDepth(): Avoid endless recursion by checking for empty directory names, add argument “template”
- hsSubstSpecChars(): Add upper case umlauts, rename to substSpecialChars(), make deprecated
- .askForPassword(): Set default “NULL” for argument “account”; return invisible
- assignGlobally(): Make deprecated and do not use internally any more
- getPassword(): Return invisible
- hsPrepPdf(): Do not use internally any more
- warningDeprecated(): Add argument “parentheses”
kwb.utils 0.5.1 2020-04-20
- Fix bug in moveColumnsToFront(): keep data frame structure in case that the data frame has only one column
- createMatrix(): Set defaults for name.row and name.col to NULL (was: ““)
kwb.utils 0.5.0 2019-12-17
- new: toPdf()
- new: assertFinalSlash()
- new private functions:
- cache_and_return()
- clear_cache()
- get_cached()
- get_cached_file()
- run_cached()
- objectToText()
- textToObject()
kwb.utils 0.4.4 2019-08-10
- improved documentation (deploy docu also from “dev” branch, include
- fixed continious integration (Windows)
kwb.utils 0.4.3 2019-08-04
- new: findPartialDuplicates()
- new: removeDuplicates()
- add arg “dbg” to excludeNULL()
kwb.utils 0.4.2 2019-03-26
- export log-functions: .log(), .logline(), .logok(), .logstart()
- new: multiColumnLookup()
kwb.utils 0.4.1 2019-03-23
- export functions explicitly, do not export all functions starting with dot “.”
- new: isDotOrDoubleDot(), isASCII(), moved from kwb.fakin
- add arg “log_time” to catAndRun() (2019-01-18)
- remove non-existing links in documentation (2019-01-18)
- new: encode(), decode(), printable_chars() (2019-01-03)
- new: intToNumeralSystem() (2018-12-21)
- new: createIdAlong() (2018-12-16)
kwb.utils 0.4.0 2018-11-19
- new: combineAlternatingly()
- bug fix in .defaultIf(): was not working as expected with x = NULL
- package prepared for automatic tests
- new test for .defaultIf()
kwb.utils 0.2.1 2016-09-06
First release on GitHub
- hsPrepPdf, hsShowPdf moved from kwb.base
- hsCatLists removed (it was just the same as c()!)