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R Package with Functions, Workflows and Tutorials for Machine Learning at KWB.


For installing the latest release of this R package run the following code below:

# Enable repository from kwb-r
options(repos = c(
  kwbr = '',
  CRAN = ''))
# Download and install in R

# Browse the manual pages
help(package = '')


The purpose of the R package is on the one hand to give a general overview on how to perform machine learning in R and on the other hand to show practical machine-learning case-studies performed in publically funded research projects in form of reproducible workflows.

Currently the following articles are available:

  1. Getting Started with machine learning in R (recommendation of R packages, literature and e-learning tools)

  2. Case Study: Satellite Image Classification as reproducible R workflow developed in project KEYS for urban surface classification (e.g. roofs, streets, water) based on a satellite image.