This GitHub repository contains the code of the R package The package provides functions to run a prediction of the bathing water quality at two bathing spots in Berlin, Germany. The main function is intended to be run once a day (preferably by automation). This function

  • downloads new rain and flow measurements from two FTP servers,
  • merges the new data with existing data in local files,
  • prepares the data for input in statistical models,
  • runs two statistical models, one for each bathing spot, to predict the water quality at these spots,
  • saves the predictions in local files, and, optionally,
  • uploads the predictions for the current day to a web server.


You need to have R installed. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can download it here.

Run R and install the following packages first:


Then, install directly from GitHub with:


Giving access to the servers

The package needs access to at least two FTP servers to which rain and water flow measurements are uploaded on a regular basis. You need to specify the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) to these servers as well as the credentials (user name and password) for authentication. Therefore, set the following environment variables:

  • FTP_URL_KWB: URL to KWB’s download server
  • FTP_URL_SENATE: URL to Senate’s download server
  • FTP_URL_TSB: URL to TSB’s upload server
  • USER_PWD_KWB: User name and password for KWB’s download server
  • USER_PWD_SENATE: User name and password for Senate’s download server
  • USER_PWD_TSB User name and password for TSB’s upload server

We recommend to set these variables in the .Renviron file that is loaded automatically when R is started. Use the function edit_r_environ() from the usethis package (installed above) to open the .Renviron file in an editor:

In the editor, add the following lines to the file (or make sure that they are there). Replace ... with the appropriate values (that you know if you are an authenticated person ;-)).



Save and close the .Renviron file.

Main script

Once the environment variables are set you can run the following main script:

With the first command you tell the package where to store downloaded files, model input files and model results. Make sure that the folder exists. Required subfolders will be created automatically.

With the second command you run the main function that performs all the steps that are outlined in the preface above. The function has an argument upload that is set to FALSE by default. The argument specifies whether to upload the result of the daily prediction to the web server of Technologiestiftung Berlin (TSB). Set this argument to TRUE only if you know what you are doing!

We recommend that you setup a so called cron-job that runs the main script on a daily basis.

Folder structure

The package uses the following structure of files and folders. The folder structure will be created below the folder that you specify in the set_root() call of the main script (see above).

  flows.csv - Flow data in text format (CSV)
  flows.fst - Flow data in binary format (fst, to be read with fst::read_fst())
  model_input.csv - Model input data in text format (CSV)
  rain-ruhleben.csv - Rain and Flow data (at outlet of WWT Ruhleben, CSV format)
  rain-ruhleben.fst - Rain and Flow data (at outlet of WWT Ruhleben, fst format)
    Regenschreiber_190615_0810.txt - Rain and Flow data of one day
    TW_SW_190702.txt - Flow data of one day
  Vorhersage_2019-07-01.csv - Predictions for two sites and one day
  Vorhersagen.csv - All Predictions for the two sites so far