Configure recharge period options

vs2dh.ConfigureRechargePeriodOptions(prnt = FALSE, rbcit = FALSE,
  retsim = FALSE, seepage = vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage())



If TRUE, = T if heads, temperature, moisture contents, and/or saturations are to be printed to file "vs2dt.out" after each time step; If FALSE they are to be written to file "vs2dt.out" only at observation times and ends of recharge periods. (default: FALSE)


NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evaporation is to be simulated for this recharge period;if FALSE no evaporation is simulated for this recharge period (default: FALSE)


NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!!!!! If TRUE evapotanspiration (plant-root extraction) is to be simulated for this recharge period; if FALSE no evaporation is simulated for this recharge period (default: FALSE).


If TRUE are to be simulated for this recharge period; seepage face not simulated for this recharge period. (default: vs2dh.ConfigureSeepage())


Recharge period