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Replace Values in Column in Rows Matching Condition


replaceByCondition(df, file = NULL, group = NULL, config = NULL, dbg = TRUE)



data frame in which to do substitutions


path to CSV file with columns group, target_column, condition, replacement


group name. If given, only rows in file that have this group name in column group are considered.


optional. Data frame containing the configuration as being read from file.


if TRUE debug messages are shown


# Create a very simple data frame
df <- data.frame(a = 1:3)

# Create a very simple configuration
config <- read.table(sep = ",", header = TRUE, text = c(

# Write the configuration to a temporary file
file <- tempfile()
write.csv(config, file)

# Apply all replacements configured in the file ...
replaceByCondition(df, file)
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==2" set to '22'
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==3" set to '33'
#>    a
#> 1  1
#> 2 22
#> 3 33

# ... or in the configuration
replaceByCondition(df, config = config)
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==2" set to '22'
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==3" set to '33'
#>    a
#> 1  1
#> 2 22
#> 3 33

# Apply selected replacements
replaceByCondition(df, file, group = "g1")
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==2" set to '22'
#>    a
#> 1  1
#> 2 22
#> 3  3
replaceByCondition(df, file, group = "g2")
#> Data correction in 'a': 1 values with "a==3" set to '33'
#>    a
#> 1  1
#> 2  2
#> 3 33