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Create a label for the interval defined by the upper boundary a and the lower boundary b


intervalLabel(a, b, right = TRUE, style = 1, sep = ",", space = " ")



upper boundary


lower boundary


if TRUE (default) the interval is closed at the upper boundary


integer number between 1 and 5 indicating one of five possible styles to name the interval between a and b. See examples below.


separator to be used between lower and upper boundary


space between comparison operators and boundary values.


# Labels of different styles for right closed intervals (right = TRUE is the 
# default)
intervalLabel(1, 10, style = 1) # "(1,10]"
#> [1] "(1,10]"
intervalLabel(1, 10, style = 2) # "<= 10"
#> [1] "<= 10"
intervalLabel(1, 10, style = 3) # "> 1"
#> [1] "> 1"
intervalLabel(1, 10, style = 4) # "<= " "> 1" (vector of two elements!)
#> [1] "<= " "> 1"
intervalLabel(1, 10, style = 5) # "<= 10" "> " (vector of two elements!)
#> [1] "<= 10" "> "   

# The same with left closed intervals:
right <- FALSE
intervalLabel(1, 10, right, style = 1) # "[1,10)"
#> [1] "[1,10)"
intervalLabel(1, 10, right, style = 2) # "< 10"
#> [1] "< 10"
intervalLabel(1, 10, right, style = 3) # ">= 1"
#> [1] ">= 1"
intervalLabel(1, 10, right, style = 4) # "< " ">= 1" (vector of two elements!)
#> [1] "< "   ">= 1"
intervalLabel(1, 10, right, style = 5) # "< 10" ">= " (vector of two elements!)
#> [1] "< 10" ">= "