What are the expected column types as defined in the configuration?
- table_name
name of table for which to lookup column types in config
- config
configuration object (list)
- available
optional. Names of available table columns. If given, only the types of these columns are returned.
list with one entry per type. Each element contains the names of the colums with the corresponding type.
config <- list(animals = list(fields = list(
cats = list(field = "Katzen", type = "integer"),
dogs = list(field = "Hunde", type = "double"),
mice = list(field = "Maeuse", type = "integer")
kwb.prep:::get_column_classes2("animals", config)
#> $double
#> [1] "Hunde"
#> $integer
#> [1] "Katzen" "Maeuse"