Plot Rain Data as Bars
plotRain(timestamps, values, gaugeName = "", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, signal.width = NA, = 0, col = "blue", pch = 16, reverse.ylim = TRUE, las = 1, innerMargins = c(0, 0, 0, 0), add.time.axis = TRUE, ...)
timestamps | timestamps |
values | precipitation values in mm |
gaugeName | Name of rain gauge to appear in the y label |
xlim | x limits |
ylim | y limits |
signal.width | width of time intervals represented by timestamps, in seconds. If NA (default) this value is deduced from the time differences in timestamps | | value in seconds by which the timstamps need to be shifted in order to get the begin of the time intervals that the timestamps represent. Default: 0 (meaning that the timestamps represent the beginnings of the time intervals). A value of signal.width would mean that the timestamps represent the ends of the time intervals and a value of signal.width/2 would mean that the timestamps represent the midpoints of the time intervals that they represent. |
col | fill colour of bars. Default: "blue" |
pch | plot character to be used for plotting data points (at the given timestamps), additionally to plotting bars. Set to NA in order to suppress plotting these points |
reverse.ylim | if TRUE (default), the y axis is reversed, i.e. the bars are heading from top to bottom |
las | numeric in 0,1,2,3; the style of axis labels. See help for par. |
innerMargins | passed to |
add.time.axis | passed to |
… | further arguments passed to |