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What Versions of Package Dependencies are Installed?


installedDependencies(package, recursive = TRUE)



name of the package of which to check the dependencies


whether to look recursively for dependencies or only for the direct dependencies of package. Passed to packageDependencies, defaults to TRUE


installedDependencies(package = "kwb.package")
#>             Version  
#> Matrix      "1.7-0"  
#> R6          "2.5.1"  
#> askpass     "1.2.0"  
#> base64enc   "0.1-3"  
#> bslib       "0.7.0"  
#> cachem      "1.0.8"  
#> cli         "3.6.2"  
#> cpp11       "0.4.7"  
#> curl        "5.2.1"  
#> digest      "0.6.35" 
#> evaluate    "0.23"   
#> fastmap     "1.1.1"  
#> fontawesome "0.5.2"  
#> fs          "1.6.4"  
#> gh          "1.4.1"  
#> gitcreds    "0.1.2"  
#> glue        "1.7.0"  
#> grDevices   "4.4.0"  
#> graphics    "4.4.0"  
#> grid        "4.4.0"  
#> highr       "0.10"   
#> htmltools   ""
#> htmlwidgets "1.6.4"  
#> httr2       "1.0.1"  
#> igraph      "2.0.3"  
#> ini         "0.3.1"  
#> jquerylib   "0.1.4"  
#> jsonlite    "1.8.8"  
#> knitr       "1.46"   
#> kwb.utils   "0.15.0" 
#> lattice     "0.22-6" 
#> lifecycle   "1.0.4"  
#> magrittr    "2.0.3"  
#> memoise     "2.0.1"  
#> methods     "4.4.0"  
#> mime        "0.12"   
#> mvbutils    "2.8.232"
#> networkD3   "0.4"    
#> openssl     "2.1.2"  
#> pkgconfig   "2.0.3"  
#> rappdirs    "0.3.3"  
#> remotes     "2.5.0"  
#> rlang       "1.1.3"  
#> rmarkdown   "2.26"   
#> sass        "0.4.9"  
#> stats       "4.4.0"  
#> sys         "3.4.2"  
#> tinytex     "0.51"   
#> tools       "4.4.0"  
#> utils       "4.4.0"  
#> vctrs       "0.6.5"  
#> withr       "3.0.0"  
#> xfun        "0.43"   
#> yaml        "2.3.8"  
installedDependencies(package = "kwb.package", recursive = FALSE)
#>           Version  
#> gh        "1.4.1"  
#> kwb.utils "0.15.0" 
#> magrittr  "2.0.3"  
#> mvbutils  "2.8.232"
#> networkD3 "0.4"    
#> remotes   "2.5.0"  
#> withr     "3.0.0"