separates pathways (CSO and WWTP)
annual_load_sewage(data.dir, error_removal_rate = 0.3, error_conc = 0.5)
path of model data (annual mean concentrations "substance_info.csv", WWTP runoff volumes "Vol_sewage.csv", removal at WWTP "substance_info.csv", optional: relative error by substance can be indicated as additional column "error_conc" in "substance_info.csv")
relative error in removal at WWTP
constant relative error in concentrations at WWTP outflow (default = 0.5) or "individual" if relative error by substance is included in "substance_info.csv"
Function returns list with loads and standard deviations, by entry path (cso, wwtp) and by surface water catchment. Concentration in units "mg/L" and "ug/L" is automatically transformed to loads in "kg/yr". Other (unknown) units are left unchanged, resulting in "unit * m3/yr".