Generate a configuration for an analysis run

configure(rawdir, station, sampleEventIndex = -1,
  sampleEventMethod = "centre", replaceMissingQMethod = "interpolate",
  bottlesToDiscard = NA, Vbottle = 1600, Vmax = 5000,
  Hthresholds = 0, Qthresholds = NULL, Vthresholds = NULL,
  tstep.fill.s = 60, evtSepTime = 2 * 3600,
  sampleEventSeparationTime = NA, durationThreshold = 5,
  outsep = ";", outdec = ",", context = c(left = 0.1, right = 0.2),
  plotchars = c(1, 3, 4, 4), rain.aggregation.interval = 600,
  max.samples.ok = 4, bottlesToConsider = NA, dictionaryFile = "")



Where is the "root" directory to raw data?


which monitoring station? E.g in OGRE: one of c("EFH", "STR", "ALT", "NEU", "GEW").


which sample event (logged by sampler), according to the list of files recorded by the autosampler, sorted by name. Give a negative number to select files from the end of the list of files: -1 means "last", -2 "one before last", etc.


one of c("centre", "left", "right"). "left": sample time is begin of time interval, "right": sample time is end of time interval, "centre": sample time is middle of time interval


one of c("interpolate", "predict"). "interpolate": linear interpolation "predict": prediction from water levels using a saved square regression


which bottles are to be discarded (because they are not full)? Default: NA


sample volume (in mL) given to the bottle representing the time interval with highest flow volume. Default: 1600


maximum total volume for mixed sample, in mL. Default: 5000


What are the level thresholds (in m) that trigger the start of the sampler? Named vector of numeric with names representing the site codes. E.g. for project OGRE: c("EFH", "STR", "ALT", "NEU", "GEW"). Default: 0


flow thresholds for each station. Mark flow tresholds to define runoff events, same structure as Hthresholds


hydraulic event volume thresholds for each station


time step in seconds used to fill up data. Default: 60 seconds = 1 minute.


separation of events (how long in seconds may Hthreshold be underrun within an event?). Default: 2*3600 (= 2 hours)


separation of sampled events within one and the same sampler file. If the difference between two sample times is greater than this time (in seconds) two sampled events are distinguished. Set to NA to prevent the splitting of sampled events.


minimum duration (in minutes) of hydraulic events to be considered. Default: 5 minutes


separator to be used in output files (csv). Default: ";"


decimal character to be used in output files (csv). Default: ","


Vector of two elements giving the "context" before and after the event to be plotted, as percentages of the event duration. E.g. c(0.1, 0.2) means that the time interval to be plotted starts 10 percent of the event duration before the event begin and ends 20 percent of the event duration after the end of the event.


plotting characters for Q.raw, Q.signal, ...


time interval in seconds for rain data aggregation, e.g. 600 = 10 minutes. NA = no aggregation of original rain data


maximum number of "successful" samples within one bottle. Used for scaling the bottle "height" in the sample plot


numeric vector of bottle numbers. Only bottles of the given numbers are considered (read from the sampler file). Set to NA to consider all bottles


full path to "dictionary" file that defines the folder structure and file name patterns in which the input files are expected to reside and to which the output files will be written. See kwb.ogre::OGRE_DEFAULT_DICTIONARY or kwb.dswt::DSWT_DEFAULT_DICTIONARY