Data availability of time series data
- info
list with the named elements (mdb: full path to Access database, tbl: table name, tsField: name of timestamp field, parField: name of parameter field)
- dateFirst
Date object representing first date to be considered
- dateLast
Date object representing last date to be considered
- tstep
expected time step between time stamps in seconds. Default: minimum time difference found between consecutive timestamps in given interval
- dbg
If TRUE, debug messages will be shown
data.frame with each row representing a day within the specified time interval and columns \(intervalBeg\) (day), \(n<Par>\) (number of non-NA-values in column <Par> within the interval) and \(p<Par>\) (data availability of parameter <Par> in percent = number of available non-NA-values divided by maximum possible number of non-NA-values per day (= 86400 / tstep).