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This function gets a data frame containing path information as input. It filters for rows with value "file" in column type and keeps only the columns path and size. If pattern is not NULL, the data frame is then filtered for rows in which path matches the given pattern. Finally, the common root of all paths in column path is removed and the resulting data frame is returned.


prepare_path_data(path_info, pattern = NULL)



data frame containing file path information as returned by read_file_info


pattern by which to select a subset of paths or NULL (default) if all paths in path_info are to be considered. By setting the pattern to "^/path/to/start/directory" you can "zoom into" the path tree, returning only the contents of "/path/to/start/directory".


data frame with columns path and size. See Description.


path_info <- kwb.utils::noFactorDataFrame(
  path = c("/path/to/root/", "/path/to/root/file_1", "/path/to/root/file_2"),
  type = c("directory", "file", "file"),
  size = c(0L, 10L, 20L)

#>                   path      type size
#> 1       /path/to/root/ directory    0
#> 2 /path/to/root/file_1      file   10
#> 3 /path/to/root/file_2      file   20

#> Splitting paths ... ok. (0.00s) 
#> Removing the first 4 path segments ... ok. (0.00s) 
#> Putting path segments together ... ok. (0.00s) 
#>     path size
#> 2 file_1   10
#> 3 file_2   20