Prepare model: wrapper for modelConfiguration()
prepareModel(gisData, type = "heat", rech_pondInfRate = 1, rech_pondTemp = 13.7, rech_pondConc = 1, init_gwTemp = 19, init_gwConc = 0, init_depthToWaterTable = 6, init_hydrGrad = 0.001, grid_dx = 1, grid_dy = 1, grid_yMax = NULL, flow_ratioKzKh = 0.01, flow_satKh = 450, flow_ss = 0, flow_neff = 0.2, flow_rmc = 0.05, flow_alpha = 2, flow_beta = 5, heat_alphaL = 1, heat_alphaT = 0.1, heat_cs = 2180000, heat_ktRmc = 129600, heat_ktSat = 155520, heat_cw = 4180000, solu_alphaL = 1, solu_alphaT = 0.1, solu_molDiffCoeff = 4.5e-05 * 3600 * 24/100, solu_decayConst = 0, solu_bulkDensity = 0, solu_adsorp = 0, time_firstOutput = 1/(3600 * 24), time_minSimTime = 0.5, time_maxSimTime = 30.5, time_outputTimeStep = 1, solv_cis = TRUE, solv_cit = TRUE, solv_numt = 5000, solv_minit = 2, solv_itmax = 300, solv_eps = 0.001, solv_eps1 = 0.001, solv_eps2 = 0.001, solv_hmax = 0.7, solv_itstop = FALSE, solr_delt = 1e-06, solr_tmlt = 1.2, solr_dltmx = 1, solr_dltmin = 1e-06, solr_tred = 0.5, solr_dsmax = 10, solr_sterr = 0, solr_pond = 0)
gisData | as retrieved by kwb.demeau::importShapefiles() |
type | either "heat" (for heat model VS2DH) or "solute" (for solute transport model VSDT), Default: "heat" |
rech_pondInfRate | recharge rate of infiltration pond during model simulation in meter / day (Default: 1 m/d) |
rech_pondTemp | median pond temperature during recharge period (Default: 13.7 C during whole simulation time, i.e. 30 days) |
rech_pondConc | median sunbstance concentration in pond during recharge period (Default: 1 during whole simulation time, i.e. 30 days) |
init_gwTemp | initial groundwater temperature before infiltration (Default: 19 C) |
init_gwConc | initial substance concentration in GW before infiltration (Default: 0) |
init_depthToWaterTable | initial depth to groundwater table (Default: 6 m, assumption, no data) |
init_hydrGrad | hydraulic gradient between left & right model boundary, if positive flow is from left to right, if negative from right to left (Default: 0.001) |
grid_dx | model grid spacing in horizontal direction (Default: 1 m), |
grid_dy | model grid spacing in vertical direction (Default: 1 m), |
grid_yMax | maximum vertical model extent in meters (Default: NULL, i.e. maximum filter screen depth below ground level is set as maximum vertical model extent) |
flow_ratioKzKh | Ratio of hydraulic conductivity in the z-coordinate direction to that in the x-coordinate direction (Default: 0.01) |
flow_satKh | saturated hydraulic conductivity (Default: 450 m / day), |
flow_ss | Specific storage (Ss), L^-1. (Default: 0) |
flow_neff | effective porosity (Default: 0.2), sum of effective porosity and residual moisture content (rmc) are equal to parameter "porosity" used for van Genuchten model |
flow_rmc | residual moisture content (Default: 0.05), sum of effective porosity and residual moisture content (rmc) are equal to parameter "porosity" used for van Genuchten model |
flow_alpha | van Genuchten alpha. NOTE: alpha is as defined by van Genuchten (1980) and is the negative reciprocal of alpha' used in earlier versions (prior to version 3.0) of VS2DT, L. (Default: 2) |
flow_beta | van Genuchten parameter, beta' in Healy (1990) and Lappala and others (1987), (Default: 5) |
heat_alphaL | Longitudinal dispersion (Default: 1 m), |
heat_alphaT | Transversal dispersion (Default: 0.1 m) |
heat_cs | Heat capacity of dry solids (Cs), Q/L3 C. (Default: 2180000.0 J/m3C) |
heat_ktRmc | Thermal conductivity of water sediment at residual moisture content, Q/LTC. (Default: 129600) |
heat_ktSat | Thermal conductivity of water sediments at full saturation, Q/LC. (Default: 155520) |
heat_cw | Heat capacity of water (Cw), which is the product of density times specific heat of water, Q/L3 C. (default: 4180000.0) |
solu_alphaL | Longitudinal dispersion (Default: 1 m), |
solu_alphaT | Transversal dispersion (Default: 0.1 m) |
solu_molDiffCoeff | Molecular diffusion coefficient, Dm, L2/T. (Default: ( 4.5e-05*3600*24/100 m2/day, ### for hydrogen - water at 25 C) |
solu_decayConst | Decay constant, l, T-1. (Default: 0) |
solu_bulkDensity | Bulk density, Dm (set to 0 for no adsorption or ion exchange) M/L3. (Default: 0) |
solu_adsorp | 0 for no adsorption or ion exchange; Kd for linear adsorption isotherm; K1 for Langmuir isotherm; Kf for Freundlich isotherm; or Km for ion exchange. (Default: 0) |
time_firstOutput | first output after x time (default: after 1 second), (-> proxy for initial setting) |
time_minSimTime | start of regular output (Default: after 0.5 days) |
time_maxSimTime | end of regular output & model simulation (Default: 30.5 days) |
time_outputTimeStep | time interval in days for which model results are written to output file (Default: 1 day) |
solv_cis | If TRUE spatial discretisation is realised by centered-in-space differencing; if FALSE backward-in-space differencing is to be used for transport equation. (default: TRUE) |
solv_cit | If TRUE temporal discretisation is realised by centered-in-time differencing; if FALSE backward-in-time or fully implicit differencing is to be used. (default: TRUE) |
solv_numt | Maximum number of time steps.(default: 5000). (NOTE: if enhanced precision in print out to file "balance.out" and file 11 "obsPoints.out", is desired set NUMT equal to a negative number. That is, multiply actual maximum number of time steps by -1)1 |
solv_minit | Minimum number of iterations per time step. (default: 2) |
solv_itmax | Maximum number of iterations per time step. (default: 300) |
solv_eps | Head closure criterion for iterative solution of flow equation, L. (default: 0.001) |
solv_eps1 | Temperature closure criterion for iterative solution of transport equation, C. (default: 0.001) |
solv_eps2 | Velocity closure criterion for outer iteration loop at each time step, L/T. (default: 0.001) |
solv_hmax | Relaxation parameter for iterative solution. See discussion in Lappala and others (1987) for more detail. Value is generally in the range of 0.4 to 1.2. (default: 0.7) |
solv_itstop | If TRUE simulation is terminated after ITMAX iterations in one time step; otherwise = F. (default: FALSE) |
solr_delt | Length of initial time step for this period, T. (default: 1.0E-6) |
solr_tmlt | Multiplier for time step length. (default: 1.2) |
solr_dltmx | Maximum allowed length of time step, T. (default: 1) |
solr_dltmin | Minimum allowed length of time step, T. (default: 1.0E-6) |
solr_tred | Factor by which time-step length is reduced if convergence is not obtained in ITMAX iterations. Values usually should be in the range 0.1 to 0.5. If no reduction of time-step length is desired, input a value of 0.0. (default: 0.1) |
solr_dsmax | Maximum allowed change in head per time step for this period, L. (default: 10) |
solr_sterr | Steady-state head criterion; when the maximum change in head between successive time steps is less than STERR, the program assumes that steady state has been reached for this period and advances to next recharge period, L. (default: 0) |
solr_pond | Maximum allowed height of ponded water for constant flux nodes. See Lappala and other (1987) for detailed discussion of POND, L. (default: 0) |
Prepared SVH model configuration
### Importing GIS features shp.dir <- system.file("extdata", "qgis", package="kwb.demeau") shp.files <- dir(path = shp.dir, pattern = ".shp", full.names = TRUE) gisData <- importShapefiles(shp.files) ### Optionally remove some features gisData <- removeFeatures(gisData = gisData, ignoreFeatureIDs = 20)#>#### 1) Prepare heat preparedHeatModel <- prepareModel(gisData = gisData, type = "heat") #' #### 1) Prepare solute transport model preparedSoluteModel <- prepareModel(gisData = gisData, type = "solu")