Generates SQL code for grouping timestamps by years, months or days
- tbl
name of the table
- tsField
name of the table field containing the timestamp
- interval
specifies the time period to group by ("y": years, "m": months, "d": days)
- cond
additional condition in SQL syntax
## Show SQL query that gets the number of datasets per
## day ("d") considering the condition "Q > 0"
hsSqlExTimeGroup("myTable", "myTimestamp", "d", "Q > 0")
#> [1] "SELECT DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS)) AS myInterval, Count(*) AS myCount FROM (SELECT myTimestamp AS hsTS FROM [myTable] WHERE Q > 0) GROUP BY DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS)) ORDER BY DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS))"
## Output (reformatted):
## SELECT DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS))
## AS myInterval, Count(*) AS myCount
## FROM (
## SELECT myTimestamp AS hsTS FROM myTable WHERE Q > 0
## )
## GROUP BY DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS))
## ORDER BY DateSerial(Year(hsTS), Month(hsTS), Day(hsTS))