Recall a function of which the call is stored in the context tree. You may specify argument settings that override the argument settings of the original call by passing key = value pairs to this function.

recall(funCall = getFunctionCall(i), i = toIndex(id), id = "", ...)



Function call to be re-called. By default it is taken from the context tree at index i


Index of the function call in the context tree


As an alternative to specifying the index i of the call in the call tree you can specify it by its ID (as shown by when calling printContext.


argument = value pairs overriding the argument setting of the stored function call.


if (FALSE) { # Load the required libraries library(kwb.context) library(kwb.default) # for setDefault() # Set the default context number to 2 (required until now!) funNames <- c(paste0(c("init", "print", "get"), "Context"), "getFunctionCall") for (funName in funNames) { setDefault(funName, number = 2) } # Initialise the context tree (currently it's a global list called "CONTEXT1") initContext() # Call a function that contains a call of logcall() or that calls other # functions that contain calls of logcall(). The logcall()-calls have the # effect that they save the calling context in the global context tree oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3), no.readonly = TRUE) example_three_plots() # Print the context tree that has been recorded printContext() # Change the order of the original plots recall(i = 8) recall(i = 5) recall(i = 2) # Reset the graphical parameters par(oldpar) # Replot the second plot, now on its own page, but with a different colour, # plot symbol and size recall(i = 5, col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 2) }