Test projects: what was successfull, what not and which processes do we now integrate in the QMS?
This document is the outcome of the KWB project [FAKIN](http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de/en/project/fakin-research-data-management)(Forschungsdatenmanagement an kleinen Instituten = research data management at small institutes).
File not found? Insights into research data management at KWB.
"Slack is an American cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services, founded by Stewart Butterfield. The name is an acronym for ‘Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge’ " — Wikipedia, 2019
Propose best-practices for research data management and define test projects
1 IST-/SOLL Zustand 1.1 Gesamt 1.2 Nach Abteilung 2 TOP3-Ergebnisse 1. Platz: Daten finden & bekommen 2. Platz: Daten analyisieren, visualisieren & kommunizieren 3. Platz: Daten verifizieren & säubern 3 Weiteres Vorgehen In Bearbeitung….
Identify and prioritize topics to be adressed within FAKIN
What is FAKIN? What is research data management? An introduction for all colleagues