We share our experiences, best-practices and tools developed within our two year research data management project.
We share our experiences, best-practices and tools developed within our two year research data management project. Join us on our data journey ...
What is good code? What is bad code? What happened to good code that turned out to be bad?
With the Help of R, GitLab, Hugo and More
Increasing Resilience by Sharing Knowledge
This document is the outcome of the KWB project [FAKIN](http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de/en/project/fakin-research-data-management)(Forschungsdatenmanagement an kleinen Instituten = research data management at small institutes).
Project`s successes and failures? Sharing of results? What is interesting for similar projects in natural sciences / engineering?
What research data management competences are needed and for whom?
Challenges for disciplin-specific type of research data