Get the flow rate across cell faces including potential stresses applied along boundaries at a given time. Only implemented for "classical" MODFLOW versions where the budget is recorded as FLOW RIGHT FACE, FLOW FRONT FACE and FLOW LOWER FACE arrays.

get_extended_budget(cbcfile, ...)



Cell by cell file produced by Modflow.


additional arguments passed to flopy$utils$postprocessing$get_extended_budget for information see references below


return sub-list for with "Qx_ext", "Qy_ext", "Qz_ext" for each budget output timestep. Flow rates across cell faces. Qx_ext is a array of size (nlay, nrow, ncol + 1). Qy_ext is a array of size (nlay, nrow + 1, ncol). The sign is such that the y axis is considered to increase in the north direction. Qz_ext is a ndarray of size (nlay + 1, nrow, ncol). The sign is such that the z axis is considered to increase in the upward direction.



if (FALSE) { flopy <- import_flopy() reticulate::py_help(object = flopy$utils$postprocessing$get_extended_budget) }