
Interactive Apps

The following apps are based on the following different R packages:

Collects, aggregates and visualises operational and analytical data from water suppliers (including a standardised reporting document).

Haridwar Binder

Screenshot of app


An R package for calculating groundwater mounding beneath an infiltration basin based on the Hantush equation, 1967.

GWAmanager (in German)

Important note: in order to see the plot in the tab Erforschen (see screenshot below) it is necessary to enable the checkbox Details once after starting the app.


Screenshot of GWAmanager app

Hantush (in English)

Important note: in order to see the plot in the tab Explore (see screenshot below) it is necessary to enable the checkbox Details once after starting the app.


Screenshot of Hantush app


The R package kwb.wtaq provides a programmatic interface to the well drawdown model WTAQ version 2.1 (developed by the U.S. Geological Survey). The WTAQ 2.1 model engine is included in the package, but also available for download as self-extracting win-zip file from the USGS .

Interactive WTAQ Binder

Screenshot of Wtaq web app